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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Gawd Damn that's some awesome work RADD!
  2. Wasn't that a rip-off of the Gorem from Zoids 1/24 scale line? I saw the CLOD at KB's a while back and it looks like it's in the same scale but different mold. Huh, funny.
  3. "Knight's of the magical light!" Yeah they were pretty cool. The holograms on their chests and GiJoe RAH articulation to boot was really cool. Another toyline that comes to mind when I think of holograms is Supernaturals. Some of those figures remind me of the Ring Wraiths from LOTR plus they had skeletal holograms which was a plus. I think they had tall and small figures in that line.
  4. Suprised this wasn't a thread before. Anyway here's my favorites. -The final b&w battle sequence (Gunbuster) -The Max and Millia dogfight over Protoculture city (DYRL). -Agent Smith vs. Neo (Matrix Revolutions). -Hoth Battle (SW:ESB) -1st Deathstar (SW:ANH, Special Edition) -Storming Omaha Beach (Saving Private Ryan) -Yusuke vs. Toguro 100% (YuYu Hakusho) -Kirk's Crew (Enterprise) vs. Khan's Crew (forgot the name of ship he helmed) (ST2:Wrath Of Khan) -Dendrobium vs. Neue Zeul (Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory) -Gatchaman vs. Berg Katse, final showdown (Gatchaman 94) -Isamu vs. Guld, dogfight on Earth (Mac Plus) -Ahh-Nold storming island stronghold (Commando) -Mecha Baa-bu-ra vs. Robert Smith (South Park) -Prince's Crew vs. Charile Murphy's Crew playing basketball circa mid 80's (Chappelle's Show) -Lonestar vs. Dark Helmet (Spaceballs) -ARMD Attack, Where a group of GBP-1's lead the attack (DYRL, Sega Saturn) -HBT smuggling during Yellow Belmont's concert (Mospeada) -Ripley (in the Loader) vs. The Alien Queen (Aliens) -Gally vs. Giant Cyborg (forgot name) (Gunum, Battle Angel Alita OVA)
  5. I saw the ads on the freeway and it looks too much like Tomb Raider. I like Jackie Chan but give me the Pierce Brosnon, NBC version anyday!
  6. Is it to late for me to puke?
  7. The last pic looks freaking awesome. Seems that Microman 2004 has some competition. Their vehicles (Microman) become armor as well. I'm still waiting for this series to come out here in the US. Diamond/Previews I'm waiting!
  8. I saw it today. A mindless action flick which I thought was okay; not good, not bad just okay.
  9. Somebody should just put up a straight up Macross quiz, if you know what I mean.
  10. Is it one of those oversized DK books? There usually not really thick but has alot of eye candy though.
  11. The head looks pretty cool IMHO it reminds me of the 2nd group of Decepticon Seekers: Thrust, Dirge and Ramjet.
  12. I used to like Lee when he illustrated for X-men and Wildcats myself but lost intrest along the way the same for Michael Turner during his Witchblade and Fathom days. I voter for neither. IMHO Alex Ross is the Norman Rockwell of comic artist.
  13. Does anybody know the link to that Ring fan site ringworld? I can't seem to find it, if I do the site no longer exists after I click on the link on Google. What's up with that?
  14. I tried a demo of TF at the Le'Target yesterday. The only Autobot in the demo you could play is Hot Shot controling your character is playing like Max Payne or a console FPS except when you transform to your car form and I can't seem to find out where the damn accelerator is. All in all it's okay.
  15. I must have overlooked this thread, I'm a casual Red Dwarf fan myself. Die-Cast vehicles are cool but give me Red Dwarf Action Figures especially Ace Rimmer! Time for explanation's later. And maybe later, some sex."
  16. gerwalk25

    How lucky were you?

    Man, I remember when Mervyns still had toys. They had TF's, GIjoe's even Godaikins that went for $20 to $30us and Matchbox RT. I remember getting the small Die-Cast Gladiator Destroid for $5us and the big scale SDF-1 for $20us plus some new Airwalks, an ROTJ t-shirt all on my birthday!
  17. 54%pure, 46%corrupt
  18. The feeling's mutual.
  19. The Microman 2k4 line comes with stands and their basicly the same bodies so it should fit w/ your 2k3's. I'm actually looking foward to snagging the 2k4's from Diamond and Tatsunoko Fight! figures.
  20. How about Macross, The Outside Story based on the two years after SW1 and from Macross Perfect Memory? That sounds like a good place to start and I'd like to see Meltran on Meltran Wrasslin action!
  21. I think my sister has the same Ghibli boxed set, it came w/ Naussica, Totoro, Mononoke Hime, Kiki, On Your Mark, Grave Of The Fireflies, Tanuki Pompoko, Porcco Rosso, Laputa the last three must be Ocean Waves, Only Yesterday and Whisper Of The Heart. That set is by "Video Animation" with a big "A" logo. I havent seen Spirted Away since I'm anti-Dizznee but I have seen Mononoke Hime, Laputa, Kiki and Porcco Rosso before the evil takeover . Seen Tonari no Totoro and Grave. I gotta see the rest so I haven't seen all of Ghibli's films.
  22. Agreed! Gungrave for PS2 does indeed kick ass but is quite short, It's one of those games that make you feel like a bad ass just like Dante in Devil May Cry. I bought mine at the Le'Target for the same price too.
  23. [cartman]Kick Ass![/cartman]
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