It's pretty obvious that most of us like TF's, GiJoe RAH and Lego's as their fave toyline's, me included . Other than that my other favorite toylines are.
C.O.P.S (Central Operations of Police Specialist): These toys were cool for one reason, guns compatible w/ caps!
GoBots: They were cheap and thay became attack fodder and reinforcements for my TF's
Air Raiders vs. The Tyrants of Wind: Small bellows used for missle launching and Metoid Prime esque Vehicles
Starcom: Awesome looking ships/vehicles and figures w/ magnetic feet
Takara Microman Material Force, Master Force: Man these figures has some excellent articulation that beats any current GiJoe RAH figure i.e. Snake Eyes and Duke. I currently own four Comic-con exclusives, Gatchaman Ken, and Automaster Ryan (green Microman w/ Tron 2.0 esque cycle) can't wait till there released widely in the US!