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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. A7, Out of curiosity did any G4tv peeps show up? I know they filmed an old episode of Cheat! at Wizard World L.A. one year.
  2. Z.O.E. I'dolo is another good short movie (it's about an hour). It's the prequel to the events leading to the first Z.O.E. game on PS2.
  3. Akira is totaly based on a Manga series, almost 2000 pages worth and there's far more depth than the film (Obviously ). Debuted in Japan in 1983 and released in the US by Epic comics (A Marvel Imprint) in 88, 89 in color when the film premiered and in 2001 Dark Horse put out all six volumes (with new translations) in Black and White. I'm re-reading it currently, an excellent read IMHO. Appleseed same story. I haven't read it yet. Seen the movie and it's pretty good. Recommended.
  4. Did anybody suggest The Last Starfighter? This rates pretty high on my favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy films list plus the others mentioned.
  5. Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, The Ugly One!
  6. That's my fave as well. I bought mine Ride Armor w/everything; toy, original box and even the unused decal's at a local con for $25.
  7. At least it played better than RT on GBA . Seriously I'd play the Namco Famicom version (I once had an HK famicom with a 40 game cart with Mac and I liked simply because it's macross.) than TDK's/Lucky Chicken's poor excuse of a Macross GBA game .
  8. Yeah another ST thread ! Since I'm a fan of Heinlein's novel I've been waiting to see Uchuu no Senshi like, forever!
  9. I've seen that pic somewhere else on the net a very cool looking variable fighter indeed. For those who missed the mini-fig Lego variable Koenig Monster here's the link through brickshelf. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=Glagla
  10. To all on Macross World, Happy New Years!
  11. I wonder if they have those at SF Bay Area flea markets?
  12. From what the auction describes it does kinda look like a TF Binaltech/Alternator. It has some good potential to be an Arcee or even Wreck-Gar (he'll looked all damage and toe-up since he's a junkion warrior.)
  13. Lets see. I know what I'm getting from Saint Vercetti (check out my avi): Taiko Drum Master (I've only one beef w/ this game. Why the hell did they put the US DBZ music ? "Rock The Dragon" my ass more like "Suck My Dragon" ), Superbit Spiderman 2 (to replace my fullscreen version), SNL the best of Chris Farley, An unknown McFarlane figure, Money and Gift Cards! No Macross stuff though I usually go to cons or eBay for that and I can get it anytime .
  14. Ditto. That's how I got into BOTP/Gatchaman and anime in general. Sandy Frank also contributed to The Fresh Prince of BelAir (check out the end credits on any FP episode).
  15. That's just wrong! Yamato 100%!
  16. If I'm not mistaken the Moto-Slave was designed by the same group (AIC) that designed the Mospeada Ride-Armor.
  17. The Yellow bike is called the "Hyper Speeder". The original G2tf is called (and a dumb name IMHO) "Roadrocket". I don't know about the rarity of that G2 or the Microman version as well. Try your luck on good ol' eBay.
  18. The same TF made an apperence as an exclusive Toys R' Us Japan Microman set with microman Arthur.
  19. I know this technicly not a ride-armor but cool enough to show here. This is from a G2 Transformer Recognition Guide. Easily one of the best G2 TF's ever.
  20. Toynami is gonna steal the molds for their super poseable cyclones, lol!
  21. I liked Blue Submarine #6 but I must warn you though the ending falls flat on it's @$$. And might I suggest Megazone 23 part one and easily one of the best Gundam OVA's, Gundam 0083 "Stardust Memory".
  22. That looks like Master Chief, lol!
  23. And the Zillion Ride-Armor/Tri-Formation bike. If I remember correctly this was on Zillion 2 "Tri-Formation" for the Sega Master System and it was pretty cool game.
  24. Here's a couple of ride armor pics. I had to use Corel to do some quick touch ups. The Stick is my fave!
  25. Somebody built a custom 12" MA.K powered suit and it looks pretty sweet. Click on the left image. http://www.trooperpx.com/SF3D/SF3D00.html
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