For some reason I've no desire (yet ) to get a DS regular or lite. But I sure do need a replacement GBA. I'm rantin' because I finally demo'd the newer GBA at best buy-and it looks sweet!
Those Hammerheads from SAAB rocked! I liked the way the cockpit attached from the upper platform to the lower hangar. Genius.
BTW there's some info on the ships of SAAB.
Don't feel to bugged,
If you ever go to EBGames/Gamestop or used video/music stores (i.e Amoeba, Raputins etc), check out their used anime DVD section and look under the "R's". It's just sitting there gathering dust!
I just bought three from here. They were only like six bucks (Acro-Voltech, Skymaster Hayate and Ladyninja Shina) each and I had no quality control issues with them.
I just got back into shooters. I recently bought Capcom Classics (PS2) and Taito Legends (Xbox) and the games take me back to a simpler time. Faves are 1941, Forgotten Realms and Space Invaders.
I usually don't buy the indiuvidual comics I just wait for the trade paperbacks so I don't catch up till later. I'm currently reading Identity Crisis (I know I'm way too late for the party=P) trade and the 1964 trade of Magnus Robot Fighter, volume six of Akira and GITS2 Man Machine Interface from Dark Horse.
Wait a minute? I thought Art Asylum/C3 had the license to do LEGO like sets. I have the Batglider with Catwoman and the Batwing.