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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Emo is a given especially when it comes to story like this and I have seen Grave of the Fireflies. Another gr8 revievw A7 I have to track this title down.
  2. I also liked 12 Monkeys myself.
  3. I thought those G4tv spots were better than RC's stuff (where the mouth moving is concerned ) and you can't beat Charlie Murphy as Mego Spock!
  4. I feel the same way. What I remember the most about the old newsprinted comics is the smell (from the soy-based inks) especially when you bought it new off the rack. Nowadays every comic that comes out the pages are the same as the covers there printed over. It just dosen't feel the same. Luckily english Manga compilations like Shonen Jump and Raijin retains the newsprint and even the smell .
  5. I have the fighting game for PSone. It's pretty good, from the guys at Capcom.
  6. I just got it recently. It rocks!
  7. GBA. If I'm lucky I'll pick up a Ds Lite too.
  8. Greatest Tear Jearking Moment after an Alien Battle: Gunbuster. When a continent tells you in lights "Welcome Home" in Kana (Okaiiri Nasai) you can't help feeling emo .
  9. Slightly OT: Where Miyazaki's stuff is concerned Disney has the power to get big name actors to do the dubs like Dakota Fanning and her sister for the newer release of Tonari no Totoro (I thought the Fox dub was slightly better imho, but that's me )
  10. Mostly Mac and sometimes Windows both with Firefox.
  11. I've recently seen an episode of Modern Marvels (History Channel) about 80's technology and mentions the DeLorean. Funny that they still manufacture them but it's not affiliated with the original company they just use the name DMC and use original stock.
  12. You must be talking about FarCay Predator. Havent played that yet but I have played Instincts and it's quite good. I believe that got an 8.0 on Gamespot. Here are other games you might like. Gun Doom 3 Destroy All Humans Oddworld Strangers Wrath Half Life 2 Mercenaries GTA Triple Pack Rainbow Six Lockdown
  13. That is one freakin sweet collection!
  14. Can't rag on Ron Howard (excellent director IMHO) I put the blame on the screenwriter of Lost In Space and Batman and Robin (Akiva Goldsman ).
  15. Looks like something straight outta Demolition Man.
  16. He did. It's called Macross 7. 399952[/snapback] !
  17. I finally bought one and it dosen't disapoint one bit!
  18. Just imagine if the almighty Hoary Froating Head stuck with his "Breast Fighter" design in lieu of the Valk?!
  19. You Tube got some great AMV's. Don't know if this was posted here but this Macross AMV is in my favorites on YT. Top Gun Music with Macross Plus and DYRL game footage
  20. I've seen part of this on the DAVE School commercial. I just seen the whole piece and overall it's pretty good, it reminds me of Space Above and Beyond.
  21. This is what I look like! From Comic-Con 2004
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