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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. I found the Inhumanoids DVD but it's currently outta print.
  2. That's freaking sweet! I do remember watching the Japan intro in the end of the Syndicated X-men series (After it was cancled on Foxkids). Too bad the freaking credits rolled over the awesome anime goodness.
  3. Cause' Bay has no ideas left in his "F_ck Yeah" brain of his.
  4. If I recall there was three episodes of The Inhumanoids on DVD by Rhino. Since were demanding our 80's toons where is my Bigfoot and the Muscle Machines and Ulysees 31 DVD's?
  5. Man Bumblebee is PACKING!
  6. I happened to find Astrotrain at Target today but unfortunately he wasn't part of the sale on TF's . It was 10bucks and I never owned a G1 Astrotrain so I bought it plus I fgot a Titanium BSG Viper MK VII (looks alot like Vic Viper from Life Force/Salamander).
  7. I'm going to a pre-ween party on Saturday. I'm dressing up as a Baseball Furie.
  8. Pretty sweet that Pin-Bot is in the collection! I loved that Williams pinball game as a kid (and Cyclone).
  9. I also went to Target for other necessities plus it was less busy. TF's are on sale right now; Minis are 6.19, regulars are 7.99, Voyager, alts and Classics (Megs and Optimus) are 17.99, Mega's are 22.99, next up from Mega's are 34.99 and the Gynormus Primus is 44.99. I wanted Classics Bumblebee but they were outta stock, the only had Nerf-gun Megs so I got the next best thing and bought the last TF Titanium Bumblebee and it looks great on my desk.
  10. I just happened to be at the checkout line at Costco when I saw a cart with a bunch of other bulk stuffs(I believe these items were to be put back in the proper aisle plus an employee was pushing the cart) a two-pack of Cybertron Prime and Wing Sabre. Man I had to get outta there it was super busy and that two-pack was tempting. I think later in the week I'll go back and get it.
  11. Harakiri is a masterpiece. Minor Spoiler: It's very sad how the character had to bite his tounge in desperation in lieu of doing the deed (Harakiri) since his blade was bamboo (He sold the original blade) . Sorry just reflecting, on topic, I've known IFC had shown Samurai Seven for the past few months, Basilisk looks promising.
  12. If you have an Xbox and can't find SLAI on PS2 Phantom Crash is prolly your best bet and maybe slightly cheaper since that game came out first.
  13. Is there any news on the DS browser for US release? I've seen Josh Zimmerman's review on youtube and I'm convinced it's a tad easier than the PSP's browser. Should I import now or just wait?
  14. Can't agree with you, or Triumph, more.
  15. Looks pretty cool to me. Looks better than the other Starscream gerwalk mode in the TF Robot Masters DVD that came with my Burning Red Convoy Primal.
  16. That's sweet looking!
  17. What about Misfits of Science!?
  18. Did anyone pick up Starfox Command and is it good? I've been jonesn' for some shooter action for some time now.
  19. I wanted to get the remaining Gatchaman DVD sets but cost too much. Thanks 4 the info Apollo gotta go on the weekend!
  20. These Musume figs look as good almost better than the recent wave of Microman figures. I wonder if their about the same size?
  21. Check this out! All Your SnaKes Are Belong To Us!
  22. Sweet. Hopefully Takara/Tomy will make new Microman figures and AT's for the new series.
  23. Looks like Minmei's wearing bondage gear!
  24. Since everything was frozen and people survived in the island shelter (they must have had rations there too) after the warp to Pluto that's where they must have savalged what was edible.
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