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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Wouldn't that have pink eyes too?
  2. There's a review on collectionDX of the new TF movie Optimus Prime (which will be available in 6 weeks according to Josh). http://www.collectiondx.com/node/1522 Looks pretty cool IMHO.
  3. I remember these little guys. I'd have my BB's fight my friends M.U.S.C.L.E. figures. I remember the commercial.
  4. GITS:SAC and 2nd GIG Hands Down. It's the only anime series I can watch dubbed in english and I usually DON'T like to watch my anime that way and that's saying alot.
  5. Keep up with the good work!
  6. I saw it. That sucked! They could have done better.
  7. Last time I checked there's about 4 hours left till this City/Island of Rhodes is revealed. I sure as hell don't know what it is but can it be related to Jaffe's new Calling All Cars download for Playstation Network?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV57Gf_cI-E
  9. Speaking of obscure TV shows here's what I remember. Super Force Ultraman Powered Captain Power And The Soldiers Of the Future Spiral Zone Alien Nation Space: Above And Beyond (Check out my Avi!) Space Precinct 2040
  10. Someone on Youtube did a comparison of the series intro with a picture in picture of edited Daicon IV footage to match Densha's. Pretty cool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkf01cxF7QU
  11. I liked Fushigi Yuugi. It's Neverending Story in Ancient China!
  12. Gaiares for the Genesis was a visually awesome shooter! It wasn't hard with a cheat code and loved playing it just for the visuals alone. Another game on that system (Sega CD) was Android Assault/Bari-Arm. This was the first game I played that had a transformable/variable fighter. Arrowflash was the second game I played with a varible fighter. I gotta give props to Renovation for bringing these games (xcept' Bari-arm I believe it was by sega) to the US as well as these titles I've played. -Valis 3 -SYD Valis (an SD version of the Phantasm Soldier!) -Final Zone (Character designs by Mikimoto!) -Whip Rush -El Viento
  13. So it is! They would be great companions to Microman since 1/18 scaled vehicles are perfect for 3inch action figures. Sweet!
  14. What scale is the Kusanagi figure? It looks like it can be a Microman size.
  15. Yup. It' looks pretty much the same plus the plastic feels solid and sturdy. Once I replaced the shoulder it's good as new and now when I transform it I'm being extra cautious .
  16. I received my replacement part for my Garland today. It came in a big box ala Christmas Story's "Great Reward" . I looked in that box and after a couple of minutes found the part. It's the whole shoulder/wheel/arm attachment and the die-cast swing bar to boot. I was just expecting the upper arm assembly but I'm more than satisfied! Props to Garner for his help! Now it's time for some minor surgery to the Garland!
  17. On page 21, is that an HBT fuel tank?
  18. GOW2's mini game; Hot Tub Sexy Time action!
  19. It's a definite buy!
  20. I forgot about MADOX 01, that also rocked. I forgot I had it in my DVD collection! Guy finds a Powered Suit and tries to convince his girfriend not to leave Tokyo for the US. Kinda reminded me (slightly) of Megazone 23.
  21. I went ahead and eMailed Garner about how to get a replacement shoulder for my Garland and got a response. I went ahead and <picard>Made It So!</picard>
  22. That detatchable symbiote head looks freakin' cool.
  23. Sorry if I'm wayyyylate for the party! I own a Medicom Gatchaman/BOTP Condor Joe/Jason 12inch figure.
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