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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Since Halo 3 came out recently the Scropion Tank is another favorite tank. It's ugly but gets the job done.
  2. I'm really digging the Legioss and Tread combos and Gundam.
  3. I gotta soft spot for the Guntank.
  4. You forgot to mention he was T-bone in Clifford the Big Red Dog!
  5. I liked when it was in the theater but when I saw it recently on Sci-fi it's just a mess it's as if Uwe Bole tried to make a City of Heroes movie. .
  6. Very cool. I'd also want to see her in the Motorball suit too.
  7. I remember when it aired on ABC's Disney Sunday Movie in the late 80's. It was a fun and enjoyable movie and what I remember most are the TF and Gijoe toys on David's bed at NASA.
  8. And to think Peter Weller went on to become a History major at Syracuse University and a host of a show on The History Channel.
  9. Empire all the way.
  10. You gotta love the theme song!
  11. Sex Farm by Spinal Tap would be Chomedome's theme song.
  12. You lusted for what!? LOL
  13. This site that has one. http://www.keepgaming.com/ps2/NXPSN64USBAD.htm
  14. I thought so, thanks.
  15. Here's a couple people in mind: Jessica Chobot as Baroness! Reb Brown as Duke RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YO JOE!
  16. Was he also the Kiss "Demon" in WcW?
  17. Did you watch it in the original French or the English dub? I thought both versions worked equally well.
  18. Hey I was in Toronto and Sarnia recently why not try Future Shop?
  19. I'm surprised nobody mentioned it here. Anyway I heard of this Film Noir Animation during Comic-Con 2006. The DVD was just released and since it didn't even play in theaters in my area I picked it up. I watched it yesterday and was pretty good. Wondering if anybody else seen it? Renaissance entry on Wiki Hey A7, If you seen it could you kindly do a review?
  20. I just remembered a game I played when I still had a SegaCD called Bari Arm aka Android Assault. Then game wasn't all too difficult plus I really liked the music especially on the last stage. Bari Arm on the GP2X.
  21. It's pretty funny. What's also funny is that before they aired the series they showed fake promo's for their games like Crosswalk and Bar Fight by Game a'Vision.
  22. I managed to pick up the last single pack Storm Shadow at Target. I'm pleased with the articulation it offers but could have been nice if it can twist at the waist but oh well plus it's a step down from the current Microman figures and a step up from current Starwars figures. Accessories are cool throughout from the Bow to the Wakizashi, Katana and Throwing Dagger. All in all it's a great version of Storm Shadow and I'm looking forward to picking up more 25th Anniversary soon.
  23. I'd have to admit that TF Hero Starscream looks pretty cool.
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