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Everything posted by CharlesXavier

  1. Nippon-Yasan Received: wmcheng, Murphy, derex3592, eXis10z, ArchieNov, 20max20, recon, orindlt, Scyla, Smacky, technoblue, rdrunner Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti, Guyffon, neoexcaliber (x7), raziel03, CharlesXavier (x2), ridgebacks, petrov27, sh9000, Blue Meanie, chyll2, orindlt, sumyumgoy, dur, Valkyrie2008 Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well), IXTL, Bahamutzyro Anime Export Received: Vortech (x3), neoexcaliber (x3), seti88 Not Yet: CD Japan Received: WaferMouse, Slave IV, Mommar (x3) Not Yet: Mykombini Refunded: kanjrig, Kanedas Bike, Ignacio Ocamica Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional Loopaza Received: jrhudson311, orindlt, GabrielIV, dizman, Mommar, Trickycustomer (x3) Not yet: Others/Proxy Received: Moosey, Guyffon Not yet:
  2. Pretty sure Messer’s super parts will start going up in value soon if they don’t announce the ones for the 31A
  3. Good to hear of a shipment today. When did you order and how many pieces? =)
  4. Well your wife's colleague gave them a call so I'd guess they attend to it more personally and perhaps were able to shine more light on the matter. And from what was communicated, it does give us some hope of receiving our POs in mid May, though that is a month from now. Maybe someone else could try calling them and see if we get the same mid May delivery response.
  5. This is their standard response now since last week.
  6. I am thinking there is a possibility of a delayed batch for NY. In Asia there are 2 batches for the Metal Build Quant. 1 during the official release month in Japan and another batch 1 month later. This was not announced officially but the rest of the Asia distributors were informed. That is why the secondary market stock levels of the MB Quant is healthy currently. This could be the case for the 31A. Perhaps NY ordered so many that Bandai had to take time to deliver their quantity.
  7. NY can send me my 2 pieces without the brown box as long as the 3 round tape sealed are intact.
  8. Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti, Guyffon, neoexcaliber (x7), rdrunner, raziel03, CharlesXavier (x2) Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well) Anime Export Received: Vortech (x3), neoexcaliber (x3) Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional
  9. "Prep in progress" can take any thing from 1-7 days. It's normal for NY now. It used to be 1-2 days max but it has changed with the growth of their business. And even if you send a ticket, you will get a template answer, "We are sorry for the delay but we have many orders to process. You order will be shipped out as soon as possible."
  10. Not difficult to find a spare. It’s a matter of how much you need to fork out for it. The norm now being 45k
  11. If this is indeed the case, then it is comforting news for all of us. However the fact that NY didn’t issue an official statement or email to customers is clearly something lacking in their customer service. They could have done it to save themselves and customers the agony of addressing this issue. I hope they do really receive their stock in May but I’ll take it with a pinch of salt till it happens.
  12. Congrats and glad to know there’s a shipment for the 31A today. There’s still hope. MA’s for the 48k price on mandarake, it’s just pure insane.
  13. End of the 1st day of a new week. Anyone here has good news of NY's dispatch to share?
  14. Start of a brand new week. Let's see who's the first to share some good news from NY (if any)
  15. Thanks. To us collectors we consider the brown casing as the true sealed box. To Japan I know they just treat it as a shipper’s box
  16. Sidetrack question. For TWE items sold on mandarake, do they always remove or come without the brown casing TWE box?
  17. Because NY offers the lowest prices online, they know they will always have customers no matter how bad their customer service is or how they failed certain customers on their POs. They may lose 100 customers over the 31A but they will easily fill the void as long as they have the lowest price around
  18. Last week we had members posting of NY's delivery daily. This week we only had such posts once every 1-2 days. It seriously looks kinda bleak now. I hope NY will give us some good news or like you said, some indication of delivery date. But we all know in our minds that the likelihood is 1%.
  19. i guess for noppin you have to pay upfront first once u bid right? and they refund u if u lose the bid. same like buyee.
  20. I saw that auction. The seller seemed to have cancelled it and relisted it and now its sold again. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e272029118
  21. Just saw this auction and pity that I missed it. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/q205220330 But what was mentioned in this auction again opened up the possibility that there could be some delay in Bandai's delivery. Here's what the google translated description says: DX super alloy VF - 31A chiros general machine new goods unopened. I made a reservation with a premium Bandai and purchased it. It is a new article unopened which just arrived in April. No claim, no return, no cancellation thank you. Shipping will be Kuroneko Yamato Service, shipping fee will be cash on delivery. This seller said he ordered directly from bandai and just received the item in APRIL, which is a 2 week delay from the official date, and with no announcement from Bandai. I have yet to find another auction with another indication of a late receipt or delivery from bandai so this to me is just a 1 off case. But if it's indeed true, then we have a little bit more hope.
  22. Yes. I’m not going to generalize and say that all French run business are bad but NY definitely gives a bad name to the French. Again for the 111th time, there is no official QC or production error nor delay for the 31A. As far as it goes officially, bandai has delivered. And let’s look at this realistically. If there indeed is any delay, would bandai be sending out the 31A piece by piece? Bandai would be sending out as an entire batch once th stock is ready So don’t get our hopes too high.
  23. I have a value of 51,000 for my 2 Kairos. No way am I going to let NY scam me this way. Looks like I have to activate my paypal rights by 20 April and get a full refund.
  24. Wait, so what you are saying, is that if you have a store credit of 50,000yen, it doesn't allow you to check out an item that is say 20,000 yen to leave a 30,000 yen balance? What sort of evil sorcery is this????
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