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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Okay, so I'm all set to bid on this item http://www.rinkya.com/twview.pl?URL=http:/...ction/g44168915 waiting for the last minute, so that no one out bids me, but like maybe 5 hours before the auction ends, the price is way too high (like 56 000 yen) which is above my max, so I figure its a done deal right? Wrong, look at the ending price, 22 500 ???!!!?? WTF is going on here?, I remember checking the bid history and there were like 4 other bidders that for sure bid over this amount? I was a little concerned, because one of he high bidders had no feedback ( but he didn't have the high bid of 56 000, someone else did, and someone was below the 56 000 bid and did have feedback). I guess, I'm just also really peeved, because it was won at such a great price, but still, It really boggles my mind? Are bids easily retractable on Yahoo Japan (ah, I changed me mind - *retract*). What's to stop people from cancelling Willy - Nilly then? What's to stop people ffrom getting a friend to push the bid ridiculously high , and then have said friend retract the bid at the last minute, making the purchase price really low. Arrrghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I really wanted that too.
  2. This one is cool mes'amis n'est pas? H M
  3. Alright, ..but does anyone know where to get one...besides Yahoo Japan. H M
  4. Hi, Can anyone tell me about these kits? Any other online resource that sells them besides hlj.com? H M
  5. Thanks for the link! I hope there's at least one store in the US that has it that will ship to Canada, but this'll be my back up plan. H M
  6. In LA ? Where abouts? Do they ship? H M
  7. $700? What is the other VF-1 going for? Can you send me the link? H M
  8. Wow, so its only poseable if you loosen the joints? H M
  9. Hey guys, I've heard bad things about this kit, but I would like to get some feedback on it if I could, because, this is the first time I've seen a regular production kit this big (75cm height???) that is also fairly poseable. H M
  10. Hi, I'm a little confuse as to the make up of this item, some say it is polystone or some sort of porcelain and that makes me think it may be a statue, and others say it is soft vinyl, a platic so more model like. Most important to me is too find out how many moving parts it has, like is the landing gear retractable. Anyone who has this item, please donate. Thank you, H M
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