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Everything posted by Brooklynwolf
Ok,I'm back. To be fair, I was only returning the hostility. Being a new guy doesn't mean I'm a punching bag. Your advice is noted. I have to think about whether I want to sit through it again however. I don't often seek out movies or tv shows that don't have subs. Which is why I skipped over the frontier series. The Bootleg BDs here don't have eng subs. So my choices were extremely limited. Over 20 episodes and no subs VS a 2 hr movie and no subs...and all i wanted to do was watch some awesomely designed mechs ducking it out and hopefully listen to some great music. I've mentioned before that in the right hands, a foreign movie can be understood through visuals, tone and music alone. Yes, you nailed it. If i hadn't made it clear enough, I am getting jaded when it comes down to anime/manga. Over the years as I get older, my time spent watching/reading anime/manga is lessened each year. Sure the character designs are cool, engaging plots, exciting animation...but their endings always leave a lot to be desired. In many aspects in life, it's necessary to find closure. In fiction, you fall in love with these characters, follow them on a journey to seek out whatever it is they are looking for. You wish for them to fulfill their desires BECAUSE that fulfills your desire to watch them succeed, to grow. And when the hero doesn't get what he wants, it has to be within the context of the movie/show. You can't just haphazardly throw in an ending that doesn't jive with the rest of the movie because "I felt like it". There has to be meaning behind it. Like a slapstick comedy that ends on a somber note with the horrific death of the main character. Yeah, it's shocking, it's different, but does it make it good? IMO, not so much. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth. That being said...I agree that happily ever after endings are a cop out as well. And that's why, IMO, There's a healthy mix of happily ever after, bittersweet, depressing and uplifting endings in many English speaking shows and movies. It's not happy ever after WITH EVERY show. There's variety. There was a time when just about EVERY Korean drama had a depressing as **** ending. It was like...wth? Are they trying to one up one another? It got tiring really fast and became a joke unto itself. It's like...a series of movies where they ALWAYS end things on Xmas. Sure, it's festive, happy and joyful. But...everytime?? Again...I don't hate all ambiguous endings. It just needs to be done right. And not as frequent. When it's not done properly, it's like eating the most delicious dinner you've ever had, only to end the night with a stale cookie as dessert. With macross 7...I was fine with that ending. Then dynamite happened. To me it felt as if they were developing Basara's relationship with mylene over the course of the show. It's happened before where the unassuming hero realizes at the pivotal moment that "OMG...I DO love her". Did I honestly want to see him run to her and hug it out on a beach? Eff no. That would've been outta character. But the way she chased after him at the end of dynamite so she can tell him how she feels, only for him pat her on the head and...fly off?? That's the payoff? After sitting through more than 20 episodes of silent looks, shy glances, close calls...then having to wait for the OVA, where they were basically separated from eachother throughout the entirety of the show thinking their reunion is gonna be epic, to be released...and that's the payoff? ...I'm gonna put that finale in the "I don't know how to end this so eff you fans" bin over there. Lol man that really bugs me. So many pieces of fiction are like that. SW, LOTR, ST, Street fighter. At the same time, i guess there is a bit of excitement to searching and digging for information that's not immediately given to you. Like there's a sort of privilege to all of that. On the other hand, non Japanese speakers are SOL and would have to rely on people such as yourself and my friend who was the one that told me about Hikaru and crew getting lost in the galaxy. I like my fiction to be a bit more simplified. What's there is there. No need to "get more of the action in the prequel comic book or going online to their website to find out what REALLY happened to so and so!!" Lol my friend warned me with the same exact thing.
Dude...this was all I asked for. A coherent reply to help explain what I missed in the frontier movies. Instead I got someone that posted max face palming and another implying I'm a noob (which I am, but it's still kind of insulting). I'd love to reply to this, but I have to leave for work (English tutor in china). But thank you for this reply. No sass, no snarkiness. Just straight up old fashioned "dude, this is what happened..." Edit- I do want to add this: There's no reason for people that found my complaints unreasonable to be rude. You and a few others Im actually having a conversation with seem to have no problem understanding where I'm coming from and reply with respect and self control. Ok gotta run.
Wow...that was so...wow. Thank you man. I'm happy you, and a few others were able to pick up on what I was trying to get across. I really appreciate it. Its like some of these people just read up to a point where I said the word "sucked" and then proceeded to get nasty with me. Let's be honest here...due to the BS HG does, the macross community is, for all intents and purposes, really small. You can find countless websites to discuss all things related to SW, ST, gundam, anything marvel or DC related. in the real world, I have only ONE friend out of dozens to talk with about macross. It's tough. He got me back into the swing of things, and in spite of the F movies having no subs, I was genuinely excited to watch them. I went for years with no Valkyrie action! So I come away severely disappointed and wanted to find a place to vent and see if others felt the same way. Thanks to you and a few others, I'm able to have a great discussion about it and see if I was indeed "missing something". I don't hate all unresolved endings. It has to be done tastefully. Done in a way where it's actually fun to discuss, debate, or even argue because it helps develop our creativity and or reveal other interesting and creative ways of viewing the subject matter. IMO, from dynamite and on...it just feels tacked on for the sake of being tacked on. And the only thing to come out of it are countless fanfics or doujins. There was nothing fun to discuss about "oh I think Basara would come back and choose her" or "alto goes here and then boom goes there"....
As I was half way through the 2nd movie, I was browsing through the anime section here and saw a thread about the F movies getting eng subs. I was like holy ship!! Then I got to the ending.... The love story aspect in the two movies was going in the proper direction! Then I got to the ending.... Dude, don't get me wrong. There were good things from the F movies...like valks... The enemies were strange and dangerous. The music wasn't bad... Then the ending happened lol.
I find it amusing how in one post you're able to be helpful, yet a jerk at the same time. So let me reply with the same attitude. Bogus ass thread? So you're the one I have to go through to make sure my topics are acceptable here at MW? Hmm, guess I never got the memo. So just because there's already an existing thread about frontier, I'm forbidden to create another one?? Calm down man. If you weren't so arrogant and didn't act like a jerk right off the bat, then I wouldn't have responded the way I did. And I have every right to be frustrated. Is this another option that's gonna be taken away from me now? I've seen plenty of films without subs and I still walked away satisfied because in the right hands, a story's plot can still be told through visuals alone, messages can still be conveyed. Would it have helped MF's case if there were subs? Maybe, maybe not. from what I've watched, I'm leaning on the latter. As for your examples: DYRL- Hikaru chose misa in a story where LOVE played a big part in the movie itself, the movie as a single entity. Did the creators visually show them getting lost?? NO. Therefore, STORY CONCLUDED. THEME RESOLVED Never saw zero, so I can't comment. As for plus. Was the whole plot centered around whether isamu is gonna get arrested or not? No. Would it have been nice to tie up that loose end? Sure, but it wasn't overly important when you factor in that the movie ITSELF was about the three main characters accepting truths and finding eachother again. STORY CONCLUDED. THEME RESOLVED 7 and dynamite? I loved 7 at one point, but dynamites lack of a true ending retroactively made 7 bad. And my memory is hazy with that series so I can't comment. But I will say this, the show hinted so many times that Basara and mylene were gonna end up together....then he flies off Into space like a moron. THEME NOT RESOLVED. Frontier? I don't care about it anymore now that I know it has the same BS unresolved ending. and finally, I'd like to say thanks for your offer. Hell I'd be willing to back down my aggressive tone...but then you couldn't help yourself and just had to slip in that "feel a little less stupid" bit. So...go to hell? And here's a tip should you feel so compelled to make an ass outta yourself by entering a thread and making a comment just to get a laugh out of a few board members that share the same post count as yourself.... If there's a thread titled "robotech rules and macross sucks"....you know what I do? I ignore it. So if you'd like to continue this conversation like an adult, I'd be more than happy to. Just back it down with the sass. I'm not here to make enemies.
Oh my bad, did i offend you in some way and now you must defend your honor on a message board? Are you really going to do this? If so...go ahead, because, Once again, I don't give a ****. If you have nothing of substance to say, you can go back to your "makuros l337 board members only" thread. No one asked you to come in here.
I can't comment on zero since I haven't seen it. The last subbed series I watched was 7 and it's atrocious OVA. And that was back when anime stores in NYC had those bootleg VHS tapes. As for the recent shows such as zero and frontier...well, the only way to watch them is through torrent. I had a bad experience the last time I torrented, so I'm SOL when it comes to macross. I have to point out that I've been frustrated with anime for the past few years. So many of them have unresolved endings...particularly with love interests. Like I've mentioned before, it's ok once in a while, but when it happens constantly it grinds my gears. I truly respect those that pick an ending and stick with it. It takes courage to actually give characters you created a resolution. Be it death, love interest or what have you, it's choices that reflect in the real world. You HAVE to make choices. And in fiction/storytelling, there has to be a beginning, middle and end. Sure, some endings create controversy, but at least it's an end to a story. And you may not feel that some of shoji's choices are a proverbial flip of the bird...well, IMO, if you choose not to continue the story and end things with so many loose threads...to me it's a giant flaming "eff you". And that is why, to this day, DYRL and M+ (Movie version) are flawless to me. they were well told stories that had a satisfactory conclusion. There was finality. Then **** started to hit the fan with M7 and it's follow up's "conclusion"...and then you have alto going super Saiyan. Been away from macross since dynamite, and that is what I come back to.
Y'know, you're definitely one of the cool ones. I'm glad I can I have an actual discussion here with someone that doesn't blindly accept everything that's given to them. That's what separates fans from the fanboys I guess. It's fine when a storyteller tries new techniques to shake things up every now and then. Prevents stagnancy. However, in this case...I agree with everything you said. It's like some kind of itch he has to constantly scratch. There have been so many others that do the same thing and it's really irritating. Every once in a while is cool...but everytime? It loses it's impact IMO. At times It just comes off as pretentious, almost as if the storyteller is thinking "I'm going to change the face of storytelling". I know I'm exaggerating, I just can't help but feel that way. when I am so engaged in a story with running themes, motifs, compelling characters, all headed in a direction that is designed to come full circle then all of a sudden "lulz no"...it's rage inducing. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care. I don't hate all open ended films or shows. I just feel that it has to be done in a certain way that doesn't betray the viewer or flips the bird at them. Ok.
Thanks for clearing up what was said... So basically, him disappearing made no sense what so ever. This is gonna make me public enemy number 1 here, but I need to get this off my chest. Just remember folks...it's all IMO. Shoji is a god amongst men. He gave us SDFM, DYRL, M+...his designs, even to this day, are brilliant. His contributions have provided us with many awesome collectibles.... That being said...he needs to go back to film school...or film school in general if he never took any courses. 1st course that is a requirement? Storytelling 101. He, along with other storytellers of either the same ilk or beyond need to realize that what they do is neither creative nor original. It's crap. I can go and on, ranting about M7 dynamite, but it don't wanna get myself all worked up. In short, his decision to do things like that is crap. It sucked when it happened in the oh so boring dynamite, and it sucks just as much in frontier the series (I Wikied the ending...idc)...it especially sucks in the movie. I mean, he/they went as far as to NOT resolve the love triangle by making the lead character effin disappear!!! WTF?! He needs to grow a pair and make a choice...much like he did back in the day with the DYRL, and M+. This constant crap he's doing now just to appease the fanfic writers needs to stop. I dont sit through to the end of a 20+ episodic show just to "imagine" the finale. Its a copout and it's lazy storytelling. But in that regard, at least DYRL didn't deviate too much from SDFM right? Doesn't the frontier movie go way off track from the series?
It's these kind of tropes that anime and so many other Japanese story tellers always fall back on, thinking they're being clever or creative...it's annoying as f*** IMO. Thanks for answering me though. But what does alto experience when he was in the palm of that...weird unicron looking like thing? I mean...what events led up to him to all of a sudden decide to disappear? What did he say to the girls? Also...what is canon? The movies or series?? Sorry for the questions, I'm just frustrated with the ending.
Can you blame me? I told you there were no subs, so I had no idea what was happening. And there is a reason for my hate filled post. My hate stems from many Anime incessantly having finales with loose ends. I was burned by macross dynamite and countless other anime stories that just decided to "leave the ending up to the viewer".
Here's the situation: I recently got back into collecting Valkyries after a lonnnnng hiatus from the franchise. I wanted to watch the frontier series, but my location (Guangzhou china) prevents me from having access to it with English subs. I wanted to watch some Valkyrie action and picked up bootleg Blu rays of the 2 movies. I figured I'll just watch the pretty graphics, animation and listen to the music...oh and see valks blowing the **** out of things.... So without subs, naturally, I was lost...then the ending of the 2nd movie happened. W.T.F... Can someone please explain to me wtf happened to alto? Was it necessary for him to disappear? Did they At any point in both movies foreshadow that?!? OMG I can't believe I sat through this crap. My friend warned me that I should just stick to the tv series. Boy...I should've listened. OMG wtf???.
New guy here, and here are my most recent purchases in the span of 2 and a half weeks: (I don't know why the pics are upside down) I got these since I came back to china in August...when I was in NY back in July, I got 2x VF25's (alto), and 2x YF-19's (I just LOOOVVVVE IT)... I got hit big time by the macross truck man. Thanks to a friend that got me back into the franchise after years of being away from it.
Hey I'm doing the same thing, currently living in GZ and buying so much stuff off taobao... As awesome as taobao is, I can't help but feel wary everytime I make a purchase. I mean...we ARE in china after all. There have been a few stories where people would buy things listed as new but instead wild receive a used item. So yeah, they may be cheap, but always purchase things from a seller that has more than 3 jewels or at least one crown in their seller rating. Which valks did you purchase btw? I've recently received 2x vf-19f, vf-171, 2x yf-29, and am gonna get a yf-30 real soon.
- 2099 replies
Arcadia 1/60 Perfect Transformation VF-0D for 2015
Brooklynwolf replied to Dark_Ghost's topic in Toys
Wow thanks for the info. Kinda panicked for a moment. It looks great and I'm interested in getting on, but if it was out of scale, I probably would've passed. I'm glad that it isn't. -
Arcadia 1/60 Perfect Transformation VF-0D for 2015
Brooklynwolf replied to Dark_Ghost's topic in Toys
New guy here, nice to meet you all! Why is the 0D so much bigger than the yf-19? Did the designers at arcadia screw up? Or is it scaled properly to one another? Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't the yf-19 bigger than the VF-1...and isn't the Vf-0D the precursor of the vf-1s?? Looks good nonetheless...but I would appreciate it if someone can clarify things up for me.