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Everything posted by kyatsu

  1. kyatsu

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    opps , so that's how the legs should look like? i will fix it and take new pics later. as for the box, i meant i put it in a shoe box. i bought the toy loose as is. for not getting the box and instruction i still think i came away with a good deal. hey, if you guys have VT, i would like to see. and also, is there a way to remove the yellowed or do i really have to repaint it? kyatsu
  2. kyatsu

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    i will wait a few months to save money and find a better paying job first. once everything is settle, i will drive around my old neighborhood to find the store. i do have a good memory and yes it's been 12 yrs since i last saw him. i think i have a rough idea where it is. if he is still in business i am sure he will remember me. and sure, if i can find some deal, i will let you know. after all, we all could use a good deal once in a while, right? kyatsu also, if you dont mind, can i see some pic of your VT? curious
  3. kyatsu

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    thank you. i know and i have taken good care of it since i got it til now. i really didnt display it until i have the flexi stand. kyatsu
  4. kyatsu

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    i really got lucky. had my teacher not intro me to his friend, i would have never found this. he also intro me to hayao miyazaki's stuff like laputa and nausicaa. back then i really didnt know much about the good anime. he was a really cool guy. just let me borrowed the real tapes of nausicaa and laputa after i met him on the first day. i dont know if he is still in business because i dont live in that area anymore. maybe when the gas price drop, i may drive back to my old neighborhood and see if he is still around. ummm, damn do i still know where it is? kyatsu
  5. kyatsu

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    i think this VT is a keeper. it has some yellowed on it, but it's in a pretty good shape. thanks for the offer, but it aint for sale buddy, kyatsu Wow, that's really nice. 60 bucks, hmmm, I'll give you 65. 398228[/snapback]
  6. kyatsu

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    this is the bandai 1/55 VT that i bought from a comic book store owner back in 1994 thanks to one of my teachers (it's his best friend). he gave me such a good deal on it for bout 60 bucks. at the time i didnt know what it was because i didnt see macross DYRL til 1995. i wanted VF-1S so bad at first but i realized that i never had a macross toy, what the hell. so, after i saw the movie and i realized hey this toy aint that bad, i kept it in the box til now. thanks to UN SPACY, i can finally display it. kyatsu ps this is another item that i found which i was really surprised. when i went to thailand to visit my family in maybe 1992, i saw this at a shopping center called SOGO (the one near the discovery plaza and across from the world trade center). i saw it sitting there and i had to get it. i know i didn't pay much for it because in thailand people dont buy comic books or anime stuff for collection. they buy it because they like it. i think i may have paid like 8 bucks for it?
  7. i think you mean the super stealth VF-1J, huh? the super stealth version comes with a VF-1J and a fastpack. while the regular stealth just comes with VF-1J. kyatsu
  8. deimos, thanks for the pics. your effort counts and it doesnt matter if the pics are not sharp. it's all good. you know i realized that the heatshield for the stealth is grey. from the advertising, it shows dark blue. i wish that yamato left it blue. other wise, i reallly cant wait to get mine kyatsu
  9. i really think that the VF-0S looks best when it is in fighter mode. something about the head design is turning me off. i think i will wait for the VF-0A to come out. it looks more close to the VF-1A. kyatsu
  10. what is the reason for the landing gear's gloss white? i just want to have a better understanding of it. kyatsu
  11. i think the credit card valk is very cool looking. i just think if yamato is doing all black, then they should also paint the landing gear black and the missiles as well. leaving both white makes the valk look half assed done in my opinion. thanks low ciz lurker for the pic. i was wondering what the heck credit card valk was. now i know and knowing is half the battle. gi joe. kyatsu
  12. what is the credit card valks? kyatsu Weren't those 3 or 4 black Valkyries reprsented by the credit card Valkyries, then?
  13. i remember about the YF-21 in term of how it was very bad that yamato really did re-design the toy and the YF-19 as well. i do have a problem with yamato with the 1/60 VF-1D. for some reason the toy that i purchased was very loose. that's probably the only lemon that i could think off from all the yamato that i have. i was very disappointed with the VF-1D. i only hope that in the near future yamato will release the 1/48 of VF-1D, VE, VT and hopefully they will be bug free. also, is the monster's problem been fixed yet? curious. kyatsu
  14. has there been problems with re-issues too? i havent heard anything about that. kyatsu Waiting for reissues is really the smartest way to go, or is it? As we've discovered, time didn't solve the VF-1's QC issues...
  15. i just started to collect the 1/48 earlier this year (bought a roy and VF-1J) and had no problem. i used to check out macrossworld a lot and read about the toys review and such (i did remember hearing about the first release of roy and VF-1A hikaru). as of the result, i never bought anything that is new. i wait for re-issue for yamato to fix the problems. but if yours (miria and CF) came without heathshields, man that is one big mistake already. so, did you have to buy a recast from someone and add it to the valks yourself? the only new toy that i am getting is the super stealth. i will let you guys know if there's anything wrong with the toy. i really like the look of the toy and wasnt sure if this is a special edition release or limited release (that's why i didnt wait for the re-issue). kyatsu Yup, my Super Milia and CF, both '48s, arrived without heatshields. Back when the '48 first debuted years ago, I staunchly defended Yamato and their grand undertaking of a "perfect transformation" 1/48 VF-1; if any of you guys remember there were plenty of quality issues and whiners to match. But with the Super J's and the CF? Gimme' a break, Yamato's had years to tighten up their production techniques and it hasn't gotten much better, this being supported by the VF-0's already problematic launch... 396099[/snapback]
  16. i say you wait. cuz later on the toy will be cheaper. you know how it is at first when a toy is released it will be in high demand and they can crank up the price as high as they want because they know people want the toys. later on when yamato re-issue the toys i am sure the price will drop. but in the end it's up to you. how bad do you want the toy? do you really really need to get it now and face the possibility of the toy having issues? or can you wait until the re-issue with the problems being fixed. it's all up to you in the end. choose wisely my fellow macross fan. use the force, kyatsu I pre-ordered from BBTS months ago and it was slated for $164. I looked this morning it was $174. Now this afternoon it shot up to $184 and it isnt even in stock. They're expecting their shipment around May 12. I wonder if I should just cancel or wait. Image anime's stock is going fast.... 395977[/snapback]
  17. you mean the 1/48 miria and cf? if that's the case, wow yamato is very sloppy. kyatsu
  18. i have to agree with you on that. i really like the black missiles too. why do yamato have to change it to a lame grey? why? why? why? now i have to paint it black to match the stealth or the missiles wouldnt look right on the valk. kyatsu
  19. just wondering about the people that bought the super stealth. are you guys happy with it and do you guys really like it? i am bout to get it in a few weeks. kyatsu
  20. hey, do you mean the vietnamese guy that is in the baseball cards section? if that's the case he is damn expensive. but for you to get the two for 175, that's a good deal. is his stuff getting cheaper or is it because yours have a water damage and that's the reason for it being cheap. i really have to admit, you got yourself a great deal my friend. kyatsu [ Kyatsu: I got it from the Chinese guys (I can't rember there names) on the second isle with all the Gundam models, Yamato Macross/Votoms stuff and bishoujo Anime/Game PVC figures in the black fence around them. The Hikaru 1S had some water damage on the box but the figure was brand new. Got both the armor and the valk for $175.
  21. how much did you pay for the set, joe? i used to go to frank and sons. and also, who did you buy it from? kyatsu
  22. i felt the same LowViz. at first i didnt think it was that impressive. but once i see more pic from people that bought it, i changed my mind and ordered one. since it didnt say it's a special edition, i am sure yamato will release this again. kyatsu
  23. wow, mid 80's stuff. bring back bad fashion and good memories. man, she looked like a kid back then. wow, awesome dude. kyatsu *puts elbows on desk, cups chin in hands and watches like a lovestruck schoolboy* 390511[/snapback]
  24. hey man, yup, there's no main menu at all. i dont know if i did something wrong when i was using dvd lab pro or not. i am just curious to see why. also, i think on dvd lab pro there's a seclection under compile option, i didnt see reduce jitter, but there's a option for normal, de jitter, and something else. do you think that this could be the cause of it? when i first pop the dvd to the player and i saw nothing but blank i was like huh? i thought i wasted like three hrs for nothing. once i pressed play, the movie turns on. i thought hmmm, that's strange. no cheesy (bootleg menu), but that's all right. i have the whole movie. kyatsu ps dude, you did an awesome project. if there's something in the future that i can do to help you out, let me know. i got your back buddy. trust me, this project that you did pretty much made a lot of fans happy. i am some what anal too, so whenever i watch something and see mistakes, i do get turn off by it. Hi Kyatsu, "Menu Title". . . do you mean you get no main menu at all before the movie starts? If so, then something went wrong during the DVD-Lab portion of the procedure. Let me know if I'm reading your post right and I might be able to find some time to test things on my end. Best, H P.S. Thanks for the kind words! 393329[/snapback]
  25. i bought it from a comic book shop owner. he happened to be a close friend to one of high school teachers (it's so funny that i dont remember what class he taught. i just remember that he is pretty cool). as for the condition, it is yellowed and other than that, it's in a perfect condition. but for real, when he first offered that to me i was like are you for real? (i didnt appreciate it back then. i just wanted a strike valk VF-1S hikauru) But now that it's been like 11 yrs later, i am really glad to have it. i just hope one day when i have the balls i will fix it up (color it and customize it). kyatsu Where did you bought it from? And what condition is it in?
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