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Everything posted by kyatsu

  1. the vf-0a looks awesome. i am glad i hold off buying the vf-0s cuz i will be getting a better toy (hopefully yamato will fix all the problems) kyatsu
  2. thanks man, and can i say wow? if the bandai is gonna be bigger than s.h.e., then wow, kyatsu
  3. i am little confused now. so, the gunbuster (the bigger version) is it bandai or s.h.e? can someone clarify that for me? kyatsu
  4. thanks noriko. it looks like it can be taller than 12 inch. is the part mostly diecast with some plastic? it's so expensive. kyatsu ps is it gonna be easy to find?
  5. 500 bucks for the toy? man, can you tell me the height of it? it looks big, but i would like to get a rough idea how tall it is. kyatsu
  6. i would like to place an order for the 1/72 monster kit. the kit is fantastic and i am glad i didnt get the yamato or other monster kits. this is probably the best one of all. kyatsu
  7. you got a roy over hikaru? what are you, nuts? oh well, enjoy your first valk. my first was roy because at the time i bough it, hikaru wasnt re-released yet. so, just to save some money, i bought a roy . beside you can always get roy because yamato has released it so many times. hope you get the hikaru before it's all gone , kyatsu
  8. thanks sam, i just started on a new job last night. if this job (temp) turns into a staff or permanent position, then i will think about getting some of the new saint seiya figures. so, cross my fingers and hope for the best. yup, i am working on an anitsmoking campaign and will work on the new tony scott's film. so far, it's quite challenging, but it's better than being bored. kyatsu
  9. dude, you gonna ruin a perfect 1/60 max? man, i say you sell that to me and use something else for your custom, kyatsu
  10. that's pretty cool that there's still people that like saint seiya. man, i was a big fan of the series back in the last 80's while i was still living in thailand. i was so sad the day i left to come to america because i was about the see the last episode of the sanctuary series (when saga regain himself again). i only have the original bandai figures such as libra, pieces, capricorn, and sagitarius (that one is in bad cond). wish i could afford the new figures. kyatsu
  11. do you guys know how much the toy will cost? kyatsu
  12. cool. november will give me time to save up for it. thanks, kyatsu
  13. hey patt, where did you take the pic of optimus prime? is it out and if so where? kyatsu
  14. i think the color you chose for the fastpack is cool, butwhen i see the missle pods, i feel the color should match one another. i second agent ghq on that. nice work. two thumbs up, kyatsu
  15. hey yellow, what the hell was that about? i meant about that guy in a crazy custume? kyatsu
  16. hey young blood, save your money and buy the flexi stand from los or lost and found toy. it's dope and much better than the yamato stands. trust me on this one young blood, kyatsu
  17. good call ver, kyatsu
  18. hey liquidEvil, the bootleg valk looks very cool. wow, it is high quality fake alright, kyatsu
  19. i mean takara did a good call making him the second mp. only if they had left it in the original prototype, i would have bought it right there and then. kyatsu
  20. i guess i am very picky about the look of starscream, i just think the new design looks very weird to me due to the funky stuff on the waist and the girly legs. kyatsu
  21. jbo, you are right. the original starscream prototype doesnt look exactly like the cartoon starscream, but at least as a whole, it does look like it. i will wait and see what the final product will look like. kyatsu
  22. just get the 1/48 vf-1 hikaru. it's obvious you want it. kyatsu but if you have the opportunity to get a super stealth or vf-1 low viz (original low viz) i will highly recommend you to get them too (and first). i know the feeling buddy. i just started buying 1/48 this year starting with roy, vf-1j hikaru with armor, vf-1 max, vf-1s hikaru, and then super stealth. so, all in all i have 5 1/48 and i think i am happy with what i have for now (i dont think i need to buy anymore), but i still have to get one extra fastpack. kyatsu
  23. hey, i am just speaking for myself here. it maybe minor to you, but it's sure doesnt look like the starscream that i know. and i know you want to get it, but not everyone is gonna like what you like and that's just the fact, dude. would it make you feel better if i agree with you and jump to the bandwagon and buy one too? i dont think so, right? kyatsu
  24. i mean for prime's case, maybe the toy doesnt transform like the anime, but he does look like prime in the anime in robot form. that's waht i am trying to say. mp starscream doesnt look like it and i feel sad because i was really looking forward of buying it based on the original prototype. after i was gone for like nearly two weeks of hell (working mad hours) and i saw the new design, i was totally shocked by it. i hope the next mp will be good or else takara really farted up something good. kyatsu He does, they just altered the legs and hips. He's still an F-15 His robot mode isn't EXACTLY like his cartoon self but its pretty damn close. He looks like a modernized G1 version. Honestly this makes the old g1 toy look like ass. Sure it was great for nostalgia and while growing up, but you can't possibly tell me the old g1 toy looked better than this. The prototype looked too predictable to me, this is a nice change. And besides, what people aren't realizing is that the weight of the wings and all that on the old prototype's legs might make the legs loosen overtime and become very wobbly. Hell MP prime didn't even transform like the old g1 prime and yet people loved him. Me I am a huge Starscream fan and this one looks like a revized modern G1, I am buying it. 415688[/snapback]
  25. not really. if i dont like something, i will not waste my time to buy it. starscream legs are too girly. i think the original design is very solid. what was kawamori thinking about? i mean come on just look at mp prime for example. the design was well done and it looks like the original prime from the tv series. and the new design for mp starscream doesnt look like the original starscream from the tv series at all. so, i will definitely not waste my money on it. kyatsu
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