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Everything posted by kyatsu

  1. man, i gotta go see the movie when i have time. that project was hard to work on, but it was fun at the same time , kyatsu
  2. dang, talkin bout some need for dustin the poor monster. kyatsu
  3. well, if you still have your max vf-1a and wanna trade for the roy, let me know. kyatsu
  4. if you still have your max vf-1a head (and you dont use it) and wanna trade for a roy vf-1s head, let me know. kyatsu
  5. i thought the macross plus boxset quality is decent. much better than the movie. also, the first disc has a movie label on it, but it's false. man, manga is really sloppy or just dumb. kyatsu
  6. damn, so i am gonna be returning a lot of dvds next weekend, eh? i should sue manga for false advertising on the macross boxset. kyatsu
  7. man, tomorrow i will check the macross plus to see how the qualtiy is. manga said it is re-mastered, but i wanna be sure bout that. kyatsu
  8. so, i just bought myself a farted up version, eh? damn, and here i thought manga got their act together. i will see if i can return it at bestbuy first thing tomorrow. thanks for the info keith. kyatsu
  9. i went on a spending spree today and bought most of the dvds i always wanted. so, after i came back from the store, i opened up the eva boxset and started to watch it. is it just me or is the quality for the death and rebirth and end of eva pretty bad? did manga re-mastered it? if someone can answer this question, really appreciate it. also, i found out that manga re-mastered the macross plus ova series and i found it at fry's for 28.00 dollars ( i am not sure if this is old news or not, but it's new to me). kyatsu
  10. dude, if you havent learned from yamato history (first run always have problems), then i dont know what to say. live long and prosper and choose wisely. kyatsu
  11. i am danny's replacement? how is that possible? kyatsu Wow... you really are Danny's replacement! haha. 423640[/snapback]
  12. there's a movie called internal affairs with andy garcia. kyatsu Oh, and I haven't seen Internal Affairs, nor did I even know it was a remake of it, so I'll let you guys know how it is independent from that. 423699[/snapback] It's "Infernal Affairs" Important distinction, since there is a film named "Internal Affairs" with a "t" that you might get it mixed up with. 423819[/snapback]
  13. oh man, you gotta watch the original dude. once you see it, no need to see the departed. trust me on that. kyatsu
  14. dude, infernal affairs just came out several years ago and i really think that the original will always be better than the departed. i know that it's jack, leo, matt, and whoever but you cant beat the OG. i will skip it and see something better.
  15. so, the gunbuster that is coming out at the end of september is made by what company? kyatsu ps thanks for replying to my question. i really appreciate it Bandai's big Soul Of Chogokin Gunbuster isn't scheduled for release untill Novemeber so untill then you're just going to have sit tight like the rest of us. As for where to buy it, I'd say HLJ.com because there is no where in the UK that will sell it but if you're in america then you have the luxury of being able to get it in comic shops as Diamond imports most SOC's now. 422985[/snapback]
  16. is the gunbuster toy out yet? if so, can i ask where i can purchase it? kyatsu
  17. that's a smart move dude. you resist the temptation and you are gonna have more cash to use it wisely. i just think if you just buy what you really need and try not to over spent on stuff that you really dont need, then you will be in good shape. take care, kyatsu
  18. what happened to it? kyatsu
  20. you guys got pic about the different version of unicorn? i am just totally confused. kyatsu
  21. hey ver, i havent been working on 3 months and i was hired to work on outkast music video like last month for 12 days worth of work and still havent received my big paycheck yet. so, to have this job, i feel good. it's only a short term project. so, i will see how long this job will last before i have to start looking for a new one. kyatsu ps but this job will sure help me buy some new toys for sure
  22. i cant wait to get kakizaki. man, am i glad i just got a new job last week. this new job will pay for: kakizaki, vf-0a, megazone 23 garland (when the britle shoulders are fixed, then i will buy it), 1/72 monster kit. kyatsu
  23. i agree with you buddy. after finding out that yamato will release the stealth fp, i want to sell my regular fp (2) and get all the stealth fp for my valk (3). kyatsu
  24. i second that david. i think this version of ss is cool. kyatsu Umm, it was 100% how I wanted/expected with the first version of the mold. The mold was DONE at that point IMHO, and should have been painted and boxed and sold the next week. Then they F'd up the mold. Then later F'd up the colors. Overall, the first one flat out looked far more like both the toy and cartoon appearance than the current one. Adding conformal tanks "just because" certainly doesn't help make it look like people expect/want. People are fine with tailfins on the feet because that's how the toy was. But having the entire tailboom hang off the hip? Unlike any previous incarnation of Starscream, and not how people expect/want. There's a big difference between "trying to hide pieces that mysteriously disappeared on TV" and "completely moving large chunks of the airplane". Moving the tailbooms to the hips is like moving Prime's rear wheels onto his shoulders. Yes, they disappeared on TV. But we accept/expect them to be on the legs on the toy because that's just how it has to be to have a working toy--not moved to some totally different and highly visible place on the robot that changes the entire look of the robot mode. It's no different than if they'd put the nosecone on his crotch. Yes it "disappeared" on TV, but we expect it to remain fairly hidden or out of the way, not moved to some different location and prominently displayed. The tailbooms never stood out at all on the first mold because they were an integral part of the leg---but now that they're an entirely separate piece mounted at an angle, they're really obvious. Also, the tailfins folded up nicely and remained close to the bottom of the leg on the first mold---now they just hang out there in space, with nothing to fold up next to--they're just there in the way. THIS is a Masterpiece G1 Starscream, looking pretty darn near identical to how he did in the movie: 418421[/snapback]
  25. now it's a perfect time to save money for the vf-1a max dude. kyatsu
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