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    downtown LA, california

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  1. i don't think it's worth getting the blu ray if the movie has been edited. it is way expensive for any movie.
  2. i guess i will have to just be happy with the animeigo dvd released. paying 500+ bucks for the hd version is so expensive i rather use that money on something else
  3. no, i prefer if yamato finish up the 1/48 with ostrich and elintseeker that would be awesome
  4. this is the info and instruction that hurin provided to us a few yrs back. enjoy http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13642&st=0&p=264252entry264252 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13441
  5. just repeating what hurin said Posted 23 October 2006 - 01:31 PM Okey-doke, here we go. . . The FX Perfect Edition of DYRL is itself a bootleg. The only official DVD of DYRL is the Region 2 DVD by Bandai/Emotion reviewed here. However, the FX DVD is not a digital "rip" of the official Bandai/Emotion DVD. So there are differences in quality between the Bandai/Emotion DVD and the FX DVD. Though the FX DVD does have a very nice picture, it's not quite as vibrant as the official DVD. The sound on the FX DVD also has quite a bit more "hiss" in the soundtrack. Having said that, the FX DVD is actually the better choice for those who will be watching the DVD on a computer since Bandai/Emotion mangled the mastering of the official DVD in such a way that it shows a lot of interlacing artifacts when played back on anything but a quality table-top DVD player in a couch/TV environment. Please see the review for details on this. As for bootlegs of the bootleg. . . who knows. If the bootleg of the FX bootleg is a "digital rip" of the FX DVD, then there should be no quality loss at all. And, indeed, it might even still work with the "subtitle upgrade" procedure linked in my signature. wink.gif [Edit -- See ValkryieExchange's post immediately above. These newer bootlegged FX DVDs are apparently different and not based on the FX DVD at all.] Best, H
  6. i say 350 would be a fair price for the current economy, but i can only dream it will come true
  7. wait and save up is a good thing . not having money when it comes out would not be fun
  8. wow, the macross looks very big. at last, the last toy i will buy ever and it's worth the wait all these years for it
  9. i really like macross II from episode 1 to 4. episode 1 and 2 got good drawing, but not that great. then art work or drawing really got better between episode 3 and 4 and you would think it would get better after, but i think either they ran out of money or they used the newbies to finish episode 5 and 6. the drawing quality really got worst and worst except toward the end when ishtar is singing on the bridge. over all, macross II had a promise to be a good sequel. i didnt know at first that it was a six episodes OVA series. i thought it would be at least 30 episodes TV series and would be as good as the original macross.
  10. i think i am seriously done with buying toys after i buy the macross. its time to start saving serious money for other stuff for me buying a house and start saving for early retirement but that wouldnt be so bad because the macross looks so totally awesome
  11. kyatsu

    Low-Vis Value

    i wouldnt buy the low viz mr chogokin. the cracks on the low viz are on the important spots of the valk. that being said, the valk is already fragile to break from the cracks. most likely you dont even want to transform the low viz if you were the buy the toy. i say stay away from this nearly broken low viz and wait for a better condition one later.
  12. guess will have to talk to NB4M about that
  13. 65 cm? thats 2.13 ft wow, this maybe the last toy i will get for macross but if yamato were to make 1/48 elintseeker and ostrich, then that's a different story
  14. the macross discs are very thin or weak if you compare it to a regular blank dvds. for a company like animeigo, i expect a better quality dvds than these. i used to be a big fan of animeigo becaue they were the anime company that produced good sub and they were the best back in the good old days. i dont thnk i can say the same as now. kyatsu
  15. at least by buying these casing, it will prevent the five good discs from cracking. man, but still four are badly cracked. kyatsu
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