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Karaoke Ninja

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Everything posted by Karaoke Ninja

  1. The VF-1 looks pretty terrible from the side too.
  2. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I think he's saying he'd rather have a VF-25G in this line. I know I do.
  3. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I certainly hope not. I'll be very disappointed if the only Valkyries we get from this line are just VF-1 repaints over and over.
  4. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Still waiting for them to show off some non-SDF stuff.
  5. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    All that waiting for nothing. I was hoping to see new VFs.
  6. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of announcement today?
  7. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Good thing that's just the prototype for the original Hi-metal then huh?
  8. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    About time we finally got some actual news about this line. I don't care for the VF-1 design so I'll probably hold off on purchasing one until they make a VF I actually enjoy like the VF-17 or 25.
  9. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's hoping they show some VF-25 Hi-metals.
  10. Why doesn't Robotech just die already? The 80s ended, just move on already.
  11. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I was wondering if anyone has seen or done a mod on their Fire Valkyrie so it can transform without having to swap the head parts or maybe a mod to store the gunpod in fighter mode? I was thinking of getting it but I'm not sure if I should wait in hopes Bandai will release an updated version of it maybe with the accessories included.
  12. Why are so many of you hung up on wanting Hikaru and Misa to appear again? They weren't exactly the most interesting characters in the franchise.
  13. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    So what are the odds we'll see a release before the end of the year?
  14. If you think the design is really ugly then why do you keep buying toys of it?
  15. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed. I hope Bandai will make other valkyries and not just SDF stuff. I actually had a dream I ordered one of the Hi-Metal VF1s and recieved a VF-9 in the mail...
  16. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    So what are the odds this line won't die early like last time?
  17. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't really like the VF-1 but I hope this line does well and Bandai will make some other VFs for this line like the 25 or 17.
  18. What non-transforming Valkyries?
  19. I hope it's not too expensive. I'd like to own at least one Valkyrie toy but it'll probably be $200 or something...
  20. Why would you ever give Harmony Gold money? Aren't they scumbags?
  21. Watched it for the first time a few months ago. Pretty good.
  22. Sorry for asking but I was wondering if anyone has seen or done a mod on their Fire Valkyrie so it can transform without having to swap the head parts or maybe a mod to store the gunpod in fighter mode?
  23. Okay so from reading this thread and the Robotech.com forums I think I now understand Robotech and Harmony Gold. Reminder I wasn't even born when Robotech was airing so I don't know too much about it. But from what I've gathered, if it weren't for Robotech all of us technically wouldn't be alive and Harmony Gold pretty much created the sci-fi and romance genre. I think I got that right?
  24. As a fan of Macross who wasn't even born when Robotech was airing, seeing all these Robotech fans cling onto their dead franchise is just sad. Why can't they just accept that their old 80s cartoon is done and move on? Nothing Harmony Gold produces will manage to capture that same magic they felt when they first watched Robotech and even if Harmony Gold tried to "robotech" a Macross series, the fans still wouldn't like it because it's "too anime". I'm sorry if I offend any Robotech fans on this board, but I have no connection to that series so I would be completely fine if it just died completely. I have no interest in a chopped up westernized anime especially one that was "produced" by a company that mooches off another company's hard work and talent. Harmony Gold should just die already.
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