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Karaoke Ninja

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Everything posted by Karaoke Ninja

  1. Call Passionate Walkure what you want but it was still more fun to me than Plus. Plus was boring outside of the dogfights and even the music wasn't that good besides Dog Fight and Information High. Highly overrated series.
  2. I'd actually put Delta above Plus too. Plus was very pretty but I didn't find the main story very interesting and both Isamu and Guld were very unlikable characters to me. Guld especially with how much he borderlined on being a psychopath.
  3. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    That's unfortunate. Was really hoping to get an affordable VF-19 or VF-25 in 1/100 scale. Guess I'll check again in another two years lol.
  4. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I haven't posted on this board in about...two years, is the Hi-Metal R line still just VF-1s and Zentradi machines or have they started doing stuff from 7 or Frontier?
  5. They are not the only force. Watch the end of episode 4 again and you can see multiple Draakens stationed around the capital.
  6. It's really not. They don't care about that sort of thing.
  7. Did you forget about their space duel they had a few episodes back? They were jumping and flying around the asteroids in gerwalk mode.
  8. I think you're over-exaggerating quite a bit especially with the cat puns. We got like one minutes of them in one scene from one character. That's hardly half the episode. And what anime cliches and tropes are you talking about? If anything the show has been subverting a lot of common mecha anime tropes like Hayate and Freya bouncing back really quickly from feeling down/sad about something. Most mecha anime have the main character brood for a few episodes before getting over it.
  9. That's what manga is for. Like the Delta tie-in mangas.
  10. Big West doesn't make a Macross every year probably because it'd be too expensive and Kawamori doesn't want to. I don't think he wants to crap out three Macross anime a year like Sunrise does with Gundam.
  11. Hayate's canopy is still clear and the arms are missing the blue stripes. Is this still the same prototype from months ago?
  12. I'd argue the VF-1s were hero fighters when you consider all the main characters piloted them and most of the no names that died in battle were using Destroids which have maybe 6 something variants.
  13. You don't like Delta because it has a group of idols, fair enough. You should still lighten up a bit and stop taking the show so seriously.
  14. I didn't call you or Roy casual fans, but I do think you're letting nostalgia get the best of you. Delta really doesn't feel that much different from previous entries and trying to compare it to the original Macross at this point is rather silly. It's been 30 years since the original and each new entry has tried to do it's own thing and not be like the original with the exception of maybe Frontier but that had more callbacks than trying to do the original plot scene for scene. You also give me the impression you just don't like modern anime at all so that's probably contributing to your dislike of Delta too.
  15. The original was pretty damn comedic. It had some serious tones but I would never call it overly serious. I think you're letting your nostalgia goggles cloud your judgement.
  16. Considering they never blew their cover I'd say they did just fine. Until the Knights somehow detected them. And it's definitely shown in the first episode this isn't the first time they've gone undercover before.
  17. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Not even sure where you would post that poll. But I can answer that the fans in my age group have been watching all of the Macross franchise while waiting for new episodes of Delta so it technically is drawing in newer fans. But I think the high cost of the HM-R toys are going to scare away most of the newer fans. Spending $80+ on a toy of a show you just watched recently is pretty unreasonable for a lot of people.
  18. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Not really the thread to discuss that but pretty good I'd say. The plot is moving at a very nice pace, the cast is pretty fun, and it looks like we'll be getting a lot more of the Macross lore explained if this constant mentioning of the Protoculture is anything to go by. The tone feels like a nice mix of 7 and Plus which is what Kawamori was going for I think. If you loved the Dynamite 7 OVAs for showing different races and their culture then you'll probably love this. Maybe you'll want to wait for it to finish first before diving in but there's 7 episodes out now currently and that might be enough to convince you if it's worth your time or not.
  19. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm 26 so I think I'm the youngest on this board. Delta is being talked about by younger anime fans but not having a simulcast really hurts it from ever reaching mainstream attention (thank you HG).
  20. Has there ever been any mention of other branches or are you just making assumptions?
  21. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    For this site or in general? Because it'd probably be the 35+ age group.
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