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Karaoke Ninja

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Everything posted by Karaoke Ninja

  1. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Anything I should know before putting in a pre-order with Nippon-Yassan? Never bought anything from them before.
  2. It's interesting the western fanbase hates titles like 7 and Delta so much while the Japanese fanbase loves them but the Japanese fanbase dislikes Zero and II which the western fanbase seems to love. I mean 7 even has the most animated content out of all the Macross shows due to it's massive popularity. Is it because the Japanese fans are more interested in the character and music side of the franchise and the western fans care more about the sci-fi aspect of it?
  3. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    That's sooner than I thought. I hope this one has less QC issues than my VF-1A Hikaru. Also I wonder if this release will come with an extra right leg armor so we can display it with a full missile load out? Probably not since the price is the same as Sylvie's.
  4. I welcome more Walkure.
  5. So I guess Roy is back from the dead and he's now gay because he's marrying a character from Voltron.
  6. Since you're the biggest Macross II fan on the board you wouldn't happen to have some art of this would you? I think you mentioned volume 79 of B-Club has something like this but I can't find it online.
  7. I've got a followup question to my inquiry about the VF-2SS not being able to mount it's gun pod in it's base fighter mode. I found this image of a VF-2SS with some kind of arm attachment that I've never seen before in this art here. Is this some kind of option part to allow the VF-2SS to store it's gun pod in fighter mode without the SAP?
  8. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    What would be the cause of this? Bandai using cheaper paint?
  9. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I just don't understand how the paint is coming off so easily on mine. I haven't been mishandling since a few weeks ago trying to get the legs tabbed in. What's odd is only the right wing is scratched up and not the left. I don't even know what paint to use on this to fix the scratches. This is my first premium figure anything and it already looks so beat up...
  10. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    What would be the best kind of paint to use on a Hi-Metal? Would something like a Gundam Marker work okay? I just want to fix some of this black paint that was scratched off the arms and shoulders.
  11. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Earlier today I was having trouble getting the legs tabbed into the arms when I noticed some of the black paint on the arms were beginning to rub off and now I hate myself. I haven't even owned this for a week and I already ruined the paint job...
  12. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    I noticed what looks to be a stress mark near the root of one of the stabilizer fins. At least I think it's a stress mark. Has anyone's fin ever broke on them?
  13. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    The paint is so crisp. I didn't notice any real imperfections besides a little sliver of black paint missing near the front of the cockpit but it's an easy fix.
  14. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup I do have the correct armor pieces. I have to say transforming this for the first time was quite an ordeal. I spent a good half hour just trying to get from GERWALK to fighter mode. The legs just weren't pegging into the arms at all. Or when they did the legs would be crooked. Also do I need to disconnect the cockpit area from the chest plate before I connect the legs to the main body? There doesn't seem to be enough clearance to get the swing bar underneath the head. I think it's because the VF-1A head is longer than the others.
  15. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    My very first Valkyrie is here.
  16. That's part of the appeal of this franchise for me, that each new entry goes in a different direction. Recently I started watching Macross II and looking into some of the Big West created stories like Macross 2036 on PC-E and I started wondering if Kawamori and Studio Nue never returned to Macross, what would the franchise look like today? Most of the content Big West was creating seemed awfully derivative of DYRL. Slightly modified VF-1 designs and Zentradi being the primary enemy in each story. Maybe if Big West had their way the franchise would be like Gundam and recycle the same basic plot and enemies over and over.
  17. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I just placed an order for Hikaru's VF-1A. I made sure to ask the seller to check the box to make sure it has the correct armor pieces and they said they will before it ships. This is my first Hi-Metal and first Valkyrie figure so I'm pretty excited. Even paid the extra money to have it shipped expedited!
  18. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Is there anything for HMR on Shapeways? I tried searching but couldn't find anything. Would be cool if we could make the VF-1 from the Macross The First manga.
  19. So the VF-2SS can't mount it's gunpod in it's base mode, has no missiles or hardpoints for missiles, can't use the SAP pack in the atmosphere, and it can't fire it's gunpod while in SAP fighter mode either? The VF-2 looks really cool but it seems like an awfully flawed design when compared to Kawamori's VFs...even the Icarus is sounding like the better machine. Thanks for the answers, Seto. Your posts are always very informative.
  20. Watching Macross II for the first time and I had a question about it's gunpod. I know the gunpod stores in the left arm armor when in SAP mode but can it be fired while in fighter mode like the VF-17 can with it's stealth gunpod? During the Marduk battle of episode 1 you can see some VF-2SS' firing some kind of weapon from the underside of the fighter but I'm not sure if it's the gunpod or the head laser guns.
  21. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    What ever happened to those Hayate and Mirage VF-1EX figures? I remember seeing an image of them about a year or so ago.
  22. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    That's reassuring. I remember watching your old Hi-Metal VF-19S review from years back and you mentioned the landing gears on those were prone to breaking. I wasn't sure if the other VFs had this problem as well.
  23. I'm a little disappointed with some of these replies I'm reading. You can't criticize or say anything negative about SDF or Plus without getting some passive aggressive comments and snarky replies apparently. I'm starting to remember why I left this community.
  24. Karaoke Ninja

    Hi-Metal R

    Considering getting the VF-2SS release, anything I should know about before making my first Hi-Metal purchase? I'm a little worried about those landing gears, they look very fragile. Have they broken on anyone yet?
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