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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. I`m as much of a Macross purist as anyone here but I grew up on RT and the OP/Ending and We Will Win by Minmay still send shivers down by spine. I guess nostalgia value counts for a lot too.
  2. I hate it when Western people elevate Japanese to some superior beings capable of deeper thought and greater humanity than mere mortals. They`re regular people and after you live here a while you realise that most of them are actually hollow, shallow jerks who don`t give a fvck about anyone but themselves. Take yesterday on the train. I was waiting to ask the station staff a question, this girl 4 or 5 times directly tried to cut in front of me, I kept moving to block her and eventually got to ask my 5 second question. Happens all the time. Then getting on the train, people will push in front, then no one will EVER get up for elderly. This like 100 year old woman was just standing in front of the priority seats and THREE 15 yo punks just sat there with their PSPs IN the priority seats ignoring her. I told em to move and they did but not until I said. They were totally oblivious. Don`t tell me Japanese have some kind of superhuman perception of nuance because they`re pretty oblivious to everything around them in my experience.
  3. Wow, looks like every franchise I loved in High School 15 years ago is still going strong today.
  4. To the guy who was suprised at the inclusion of a minor Macross II character in the first issue I think they would have done that to prove how detailed and deep the files will be. I picked up issue one today but since it looks like its going to be pricey in the long run and I only have Perfect Memory, the Macross 7 orange book and a few other random books I think I`d rather focus on collecting up the original books which I would much rather hold. I`ll wait for a stand alone Macross Frontier book to come out. No Macross Chronicles for me.
  5. Miyatake ship designs are so badass.
  6. but you can only play within wireless range of your PS3 right? Kinda pointless? Why not just play it on a big TV if you have to stay in your house? Oh I forgot. Toilet play.
  7. multi system TVs that can accept NTSC signals have always been common in Australia. They`re a must for any anime/game nerd in the country. I just got 20,000 yen points at the local electronics store for connecting with an internet provider here. I was gonna buy a printer to help with my work and study but I think I just changed my mind. Hello Macross PSP and surfing the net on the toilet!
  8. Product placement? Pizza Hut here in Japan ran a Macross F promotion last month. I got my mail in card when I ordered a pizza but I forgot to mail it in in time. The promotion has finished now but there were a couple of CDs and some other stuff you could win by lucky draw.
  9. I don`t think we want a rehash of the original series, we want a continuation of it. Ideally we want a series about the Megaroad where our original heroes confront the Supervision Army at the centre of the Galaxy and learn the secrets of the universe ala 2010. "Its full of stars" type sh*t with some massive fleet battles, valkyrie action, and a love triangle between the offspring of the original characters. I think that series is the logical and ultimately necessary one to round out the franchise. Without it Macross will never be complete to me.
  10. I think people are trying to make excuses for the lame battle scene between the Zentraudi factions. Lets face it, Macross Frontier is just probably never going to be as gritty as the original series, even though most of us would like it to be. The rest of the episode was pretty good. Ranka`s appearance is how Sound Force or whatever in Macross 7 should have been.
  11. I still don`t like going back and making changes after airing at all.
  12. Is this the norm in TV anime now? Its reanimated in parts before DVD release? I`m totally against that for the same reason I`m against Lucas changing star wars. To be a perfect canon DVD release it should be released exactly as it aired on TV. With the only possible exception that there be no sponsorship logos because those vary from station to station. You shouldn`t try to change history.
  13. In the SDFM finale Kamjin killed himself by ramming his ship into the Macross, raised the city and killed a ton of people. What isn`t gritty about that??
  14. I`m going to hunt that one down. Sounds good. They could do Red Dawn as an historical nostalgia movie actually set in the `80s or in a world of today where the Soviet Union never collapsed. Speaking of Hollywood not wanting to offend anybody the ideal path would be to make the enemies the Soviets again because they`re aren`t any Soviets anymore to offend. It would have the same offense level of a movie about World War 2 featuring Nazis or Imperial Japanese as the bad guys. ie none. (except for maybe a lot of Japanese I`ve met who genuinely think they were the good guys in WWII!)
  15. Yeah I was thinking the Chinese parachuting out of fake airliners this time.
  16. Yeah I stand corrected about the yasashiku shite thing.. I went back and I think I trusted the subs too much and started hearing things. its definately "something something tanomu".
  17. Otaku no Video was responsible for half my obsession in the `90s. Good to see a lot of older school fans in here. I`m 30 and I still have 4 or 5 BIG shipping boxes full of VHS fansubs back home. How could you not like the video? Its like the bible for otaku. I seriously wanted to become the Otaking in university. Since then I burned out and cut back to my one true love since childhood, Macross.
  18. Had the Macross fallen in 1999 then the World`s media outlets would suddenly be very interested in an old Japanese cartoon that predicted the whole thing.
  19. In Japanese they say something like "yasashi shite" which is "please be gentle". Makes sense since the VB-6 obvioulsy tears up anything it walks on or fires from. The translation I had trouble with was when Sheryl says "bunka shiteiru?" in Japanese but its translated as "Are you being cultural?". I think that she actually asked: "Do you know culture?"
  20. Interesting. Good points, I can see why you like Storm Shadow more now. As for Snake Eyes talks its slowly coming back to me. Almost every issue of the marvel series is sitting in my parent`s garage and hasn`t been touched for 10 years. Time for a re-reading next time I`m back in Australia.
  21. Seriously? In the Marvel run I don`t remember that. I remember him getting surgery so he didn`t have to wear a mask but they couldn`t give him new vocal chords after they were burnt out by AV-gas in that accident.
  22. I think this episode proved that a 5 meter long Macross Quarter in 1/60 scale would damn cool.
  23. Yes. The manga`s style is almost messy and ads a lot of energy to the action. I don`t get that from the character designs here. Look very generic.
  24. I think Snake-eyes is way more interesting. Deformed and muted in one of GI Joe`s earliest missions he has to overcome that.
  25. Just downloaded and listened to the rip on imacross.org (thanks Gubaba) and its terrible in parts and really beautiful in others. I`ll buy it eventually because its CD or nothing for me these days.
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