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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. Fantastic. Your resourcefulness rivals overtechnology.
  2. Yeah. I try to get deadstock or only slightly used Jordans but its another nostalgia thing. We used to wear em in high school. As for jeans, Levi`s made pre 1972 get way way better with age and fade beautifully with wear. Its another otaku thing, just like your friend doesn`t understand why some people would pay so much for a chunky toy made in 1983 my friends don`t understand why I just payed around $2,700 for 1950s 501s.
  3. This is fascinating to hear stories from the early days. Even though its easier to get stuff now don`t you think it felt more satisfying to procure something back in the bad old days? I mean anything Macross you could get your hands on was really special back then, now its a little less exciting. My Macross Fandom went like this: 1st Stage: I`m Australian but my family lived in the US from 1982 to 1986 and I saw Robotech on TV then. I cried after the final episode (sure I was 7 but I had a big emotional connection to the show) On a trip to San Francisco Chinatown I saw a Takutoku Super Valkyrie with weird text on it and thought it was so so so cool. When I went back to Australia I`d tell my friends about this great show with transforming planes and with people dying and stuff and they didn`t believe me. Then it came on TV in Australia about `87 or `88 and all my friends were hooked. 2nd Stage: I walked into a comic book shop in Melbourne around 1990 and found a pile of Hobby Japan magazines. I begged my mum to buy one and spent days staring at the pages of indecipherable text and fascinating pictures, including mecha from Robotech. I knew then for sure that Robotech had Japanese roots. I wanted to know more..but information was scarce 3rd Stage: in 1996 I joined the Anime club at the local university which showed DYRL and I found out the full story from some of the members. Present: I live in Japan and collect up what books, toys and models I can but Macross competes with my other hobby of collecting old Air Jordans and vintage Levi`s, unfortunately a far far more expensive hobby than Macross!!
  4. Oh missed that, that makes more sense. I still found the Klan, Michael and Luca characters very annoying.
  5. Great summary article Togo. I`d go further than saying the supporting characters were uninteresting though, I`d say they were annoying and unlikeable. Especially Luca.
  6. Even Japanese adults are extremely immature. They`ll declare their love for someone without ever dating so whether the characters are 14 or 24 it won`t make much difference to the outcome. Thats something I found disturbing about Klans love for Michael, I mean they`d never even dated but she knew she "loved" him. More like stalked him. If I had a girl like Klan obsessing about me without even dating me I`d start to get scared and might jetison myself into space too.
  7. Pretty good ending to the series. I just wish that little kid Luca had died a brutal death. He has got to be the most annoying character in the series. He`s an annoying precocious wimpy little kid that has no place in the series.
  8. 2 often overlooked SW1 pieces of hardware. well done, looks great and reminds me again what a cool design the ghost is.
  9. But I LOVE Debbie Gibson. I know its weird but her stuff is really good for the genre. It wasn`t a dis on Robotech at all. A pure sincere compliment (in my world)
  10. I had the staff at a store turn off all the processing while watching the olympics and it still looked like crappy. Anything in fast motion would look "shimery" on the edges when it moved. Its even clearer to me now that CRT is so superior especially for most of my media which isn`t in HD and never will be. I`d still take a nicely done laserdisc played off a good player on my relatively small CRT widescreen over anything on DVD. It plays so smooth with none of those glitches that really bug me sometimes about digital media/platforms. best thing about my current widescreen CRT is it cost me $30. lol.
  11. I`m sorry but the Robotech Movie OST is just awesome. I`m listening to it now and its pure `80s pop perfection on par with Debbie Gibson. Underrated.
  12. Good memories. I still have the officers pod and regular pod in a garage back home from when I was a kid. They`re damn ugly toys tho. I wouldn`t display them today.
  13. awesome. thanks.
  14. Thanks for the picture!
  15. Thanks. What did you use to make the cuts?
  16. Great idea!
  17. ^^Thanks again for the knowledge. I`ve decided to stick to SD widescreen CRT for now because its simple and it works for what I want. Another query for the gurus on here. I want to setup a HDD media centre and I was planning on getting: 3 of these: http://www.adorama.com/VDLAPHDTI1TB.html?s...183432781153022 and one of these: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.12668 to archive and to view all my downloaded movies/TV/music with a remote control. I have a PC and a TV. Is that all I`ll need?
  18. hmmm I just had a look at the Toshiba TV catalog and their current TVs have something called "Game Mode" which is supposed to improve the response time between controller and screen. Do LCD TVs really have a noticeable lag between what you do on the controller and what happens on screen??
  19. So did you attach super armor to your TRU CF?
  20. This is awesome. btw, how do you subtitle an audio CD?
  21. Thanks for the replies. Any links to the modding process? I did a quick search but didn`t find anything.
  22. Thanks yeah, I had a feeling. I was holding out hope that the new generation of LCDs were better tho. Guess not.
  23. Theres some nice all black Sony HiDef Bravia 32inch LCDs on sale at my local electronics store for 100,000yen and as a Sony otaku I was seriously tempted but I have one concern: Will my Neo Geo AES/Saturn/PS2/Snes/PCengine/LD player/VHD player/SVHS deck all of which I still play/use regularly look like crap on it? eg will King of Fighters on Neo Geo look really blurred and pixelated in fast motion? I want BD hi def but I also want to live in the past!! Help please!!
  24. Will the super armor made for the older 1/60 valkyries fit onto the old 1/60 canon fodder? Thanks in advance.
  25. Actually I just downloaded and listened to the RT soundtrack and its better than I remembered. All the Minmay songs are beautiful `80s niceness. I don`t know if its just coz I watched it and loved it when I was 7 years old and its nostalgic as hell but they`re not bad pop songs. Americans always did have more sole than Japanese. I`m not going to compare them because Macross and RT OSTs are completely different but I love them both for different reasons.
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