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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. are you kidding me?!?! incredible.
  2. yeah, the `splosions were CG but the ships themselves were around 5 meter in length highly detailed models and were shown in the studio in the Starship Troopers making of show. Keep in mind I saw that documentary over 10 years ago and my memory is hazy as to how many different ships they had or the exact size but I do remember they dwarfed the crew working on them..
  3. Googled this article. Seems to a problem of heat/sunlight and the sensitivity of the particular batch of plastic used on your product to it. http://www.vintagecomputing.com/index.php/archives/189
  4. The capital ships in that movie were extremely well done. Not sure if it was Verhoven`s direct choice but they went with massive scale models instead of CG which really shows. The ships look much more realistic and heavier because of that decision.
  5. I was always under the impression that humidity rather than sunlight yellowed plastics. This would explain how a previous poster in this thread had a valk boxed on a dark shelf and it yellowed. I collect sneakers aswell and its the same deal for the rubber and plastic on a lot of old Air Jordans I have. As I`m buying most of my shoes from Japanese sellers and Japan being a very humid country the yellowing on some pairs is a real problem. I would think that yellowing should be less of a problem in dry, non humid climates. Move to a desert.
  6. Just some facts to dispel some of the myths posted in this thread: *The 1918 flu killed between 20 million and 100 million people. No one knows for sure. *In the world hundreds of thousands die from the flu every year anyway, but these are mostly weak, elderly and already sick people. This new virus is scarier because it seems to be able to kill young healthy people too. *A virus can survive up to 6 hours on a surface without a host *in 1976 a US soldier died from the swine flu and in the panic (thinking about 1918) Gerald Ford ordered the vaccination of every American against the disease. Today there are many people with a crippling syndrome from the vaccine. So its important today not to underreact (1918) or overreact (1976)
  7. yeah thats a great site because it gives furigana for all the kanji.
  8. Yes and no for me. I spent a year at a Japanese university trying to learn the language. After about a month I stopped going to class because I couldn`t understand a word of what was going on. Spent most of my time in my room watching Jap TV (sad yeah I know!) and although my pronunciation and listening improved I still couldn`t string a sentence together after a year. For me at least it needs to be a combination of study and exposure but I`m not good at study and lose focus after 5 minutes, all the words just blend together, (some kind of mild epilepsy or something?). Anyway thats why after 10 years (5 while living in Japan) of on and off study I still haven`t really picked up the language. Study is important.
  9. into a lot of `90s hip hop from when I was in High School and Soul - Mo`town etc. Best 3 MCs (imo): Big L http://www.last.fm/music/Big+L/_/Street+Struck Papoose Raekwon
  10. I loves my CRT. 15 years old and going strong. Widescreen, good size (haven`t actually measured it) motorised pivoting base and beautiful picture compared to most LCDs. love those blacks and the response time. CRT FTW. Got if for $50 at a used store in Japan last year.
  11. Although its better than no new series featuring the original `80s characters I wish they had stuck more to the Larry Hama take on the universe. It seems they just picked and chose from what they liked (Zartan assissinating the Soft Master) and changed things they didn`t (Snake Eyes loosing his voice box from Zartan`s bullet (flachette?) instead of in a helicopter crash). If it was a perfect GI Joe show it would have actually been set in the `80s and the backstory of SE, SS and Stalker being buddies in Vietnam etc would have been kept original.
  12. Okay, thanks. My drives came pre formatted in FAT32 and I kept them that way as I filled them up with files because PS3 will only recognise FAT32 I think. Can the WD unit recognise FAT32?
  13. Thankyou! That WD unit with 2 USB ports looks perfect as I have 2 portable USB HDDs I want to use with it. I guess it would support up to 1TB on the discs formatted in FAT32? What needs to be made available though is a media player able to connect to the internet to update firmware with the latest codecs. PS3 has this potential but Sony doesn`t want its users to have all codecs just now for some reason. btw Anyone installed linux on their PS3 and downloaded codecs and media players through it to play back media files within linux while running it?
  14. I don`t get the hate for A.I. in this thread at all. That was not a BAD movie. It was actually quite good in most normal people`s opinions.
  15. Ways for MWers to get this: Live in Japan and become a fan club member Buy it on Yahoo! Japan Auctions a week after its released for 4 times the price (through a friend or proxy buying service if you live outside of Japan)
  16. No, my PC hangs all the time. Its a POS and I can`t afford a new one right now so thats out. I was thinking something like this: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.15127 but preferably higher quality with HD 1080i and/or p, maximum codecs and HDMI connection. Does it exist?
  17. Requesting information on portable HDD > TV with remote control solutions please. I have 2 1TB portable HDDs formatted in FAT32 with USB 2.0 connectors containing all my media files. I currently have them hooked up to my PS3 to watch movies on my TV. However the PS3 will only recognize some video files and not others. My laptop actually has composite out but is a self destructing VAIO and recently runs super slow and outputs choppy video. Also I can`t use a remote with the laptop. My ideas so far: *Are there any cheap Chinese boxes with all codecs and USB 2.0 in, video out, I can`t find any. links? *by installing linux on my PS3 should I be able to download codecs and see all my video files with the PS3 remote control? *Another solution I haven`t thought of?
  18. The "original" was just a cheap rip off of the Dirty Dozen anyway. Tarantino`s version looks real average from the trailer. I hate Brad Pitt. Are they going to make Machette into a real movie yet?
  19. I`m looking for downloads or links to buy Mari`s DVDs (Collage and Something Special Live `90) but they`re out of print. Also her first English album, No Limit which goes for 15,000yen plus these days. If anyone has this a torrent or something would be amazing. I saw the Mari download on imacross but theres a lot of key stuff missing to be honest. I`ve already been able to pick up most of that stuff at Idol specialist used CD stores in Japan for 500-1000yen a disc. Any links or information would be much appreciated. PS did you know you can get private Japanese lessons from Mari?? Man if I lived in CA I would be so down for that.
  20. waaaaaaaaaaa, need a proxy server to see this..
  21. randomly found this pic. Not sure if the Monster is 1/160 or 1/200 but the Centipede stand in looks pretty good. Whatever that truck kit/toy is maybe if its 1/200ish it would be suitable to customise for mechtech`s needs?
  22. I liked it better when it was 110 miles long. I like some of the ideas posted for a ship that big. Planetary evacuation ship or a carrier for SDFs. btw on just the original 3 star wars movies being the only canon. Word to that. And the special editions aren`t canon either imo. Just the originals as screened in the `70s and `80s. I take the same approach with Macross lately. Macross 7 and Frontier are just too dumb in some ways to be called Macross. So I disowned them from the franchise. in my head. haha
  23. VF2SS is such a dope mecha. In my own personal canon MII is the only sequel that counts. And these mecha are part of the reason.
  24. Chan has done dramatic roles with little to no martial arts before. Check out Heart of Dragon. Pretty good flick and he`s a decent dramatic actor imo. Chans parents live in my hometown btw, Canberra Australia. When I was growing up I saw him a couple of times around the city. White suit, pimp dude. Some of my friends got autographed photos at restaurants where he was eating. He sometimes does tourism commercials for the city too.
  25. Don`t give up, Japanese people have giant heads. haha
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