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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. I am not anti Japanese, I am anti nationalism. My own country Australia has suffered from it in the recent past aswell. Theres a big difference between patriotism and nationalism. Patriotism is trying to help your country be better, nationalism is denying it ever does wrong. I see Japan sliding into nationalism more and more and movies like Grave of the Fireflies that paint Japan as the victim of war without giving any context as to why war came to Japan (Aggression by Japan) aren`t helping. Yet for every Pearl Harbor there are 10 American movies that show America as the bad guy doing bad things. Can you name ONE Japanese movie about World War Two that even slightly goes into what evils the Japanese did in Asia? I would be very interested to see it.
  2. You can`t really comment until you live in the country for a reasonable period of time and get to know mainstream Japanese views of Japanese people. 90% honestly believe Japan was the innocent VICTIM of World War 2, have no knowledge of what the Imperial Army did in Asia, the Pacific or Australia. The Woe is Me victim complex is mainstream here. Japanese school textbooks have Grave of the Fireflies reworkings as English lessons. Some are about the A-bombs - "One day a bomb fell from the sky...", some are just about a kid in WWII who`s sister dies of starvation like in Grave. They give no context for WHY a bomb fell from the sky, or that kid starved, just paint Japan as the angelic victim of war. Grave of the Fireflies does nothing more than perpetuate this. Where is the mainstream program available to Japanese about the little Chinese kid who`s Mom is raped and murdered by Japanese troops, who`s father is experimented on by Unit 731? I know American entertainment honestly looks at America`s sins, look at the recent "Redacted" or every Vietnam war movie ever made, but Japan DOES NOT. It LOVES to see itself as the poor innocent VICTIM and EVERY Japanese kid sees Grave of the Fireflies and believes it even more. It`s an apologist piece of PROPAGANDA, no doubt.
  3. "warfare" is an uncountable noun.
  4. Oh sorry, just that you both did the HM podcast from bed and I just assumed...
  5. These weathered versions are kinda cool imo. They remind me of the battle damaged X-wing I had when I was a kid.
  6. Cool, thanks, I`ve been slowly going through and enjyoing all your podcasts over the last few months. Except for the Heavy Metal one. That was unlistenable because of that "Zuey" chick. Damn she`s annoying. She was only on there coz she`s the regular dude`s girlfriend right?
  7. OP, I basically hate all anime produced after 1991. Stick to the classics and you will never be dissapointed. Theres a lot of classic mecha shows to enjoy. Votoms, Layzner and Xabungle to start with. That movie is an Imperial Japanese apologist piece of propaganda. Everybody in Japan sees that movie as a kid and automatically believes that Japan was the sole tragic (and completely innocent) victim of WWII. Yeah its a Sentai/Super Robot homage but Nausicaa? Huh? How??
  8. Wow, I`ve actually had that for a couple of years but my Super CD Rom and PC Engine have been packed up and I haven`t got around to playing it.
  9. Thankyou to Kaio and JBO for enlightening me as to the complexities of modding. I guess the idea is a non starter. Thanks, I`ll check it out although Valkyries facing off against mecha from other franchises doesn`t really excite me.
  10. Has this kind of project ever been done to any PSP game out there? I remember "patches" of games like Doom used to be popular, is this kind of thing still done?
  11. I have been completely addicted to R-type tactics ever since I downloaded the .ISO a while ago. It`s a really great game imo. However every time I play it I can`t help thinking how much cooler it would be if that Arrowhead was a VF-1A. And how during the cut scene instead of swerving to avoid the shot it went to battroid and lurched backwards while firing off an Itano circus in response. And if the Bydo were patched over with the Zentraudi or the Vajra. The problem of fitting SDF fortresses on screen would be overcome by not making them playable units but a background of either its internal areas or alongside it. My question is are there any Macross heads out there with the skills and motivation to somehow "patch" the R-type tactics engine with new sprites based on Macross, new story, new backgrounds and new cut scenes? It would be a hell of a task and I don`t know if its even possible in amateur circles but it sure would be cool. Unfortunately I have no skills but I would be happy to contribute to the planning and idea generating if this idea is even possible/desirable??
  12. What advantages aren`t in a submersible aircraft carrier??! The ability to slip into range of an enemy harbor with that enemy having an air force and launch an all out aerial attack without being detected? With over the horizon radar technology and satellites these days thats a lot greater task than it was back at Pearl Harbor. If you want to attack an advanced enemy these days you can expect to have multiple salvos (more than any CIWS can handle) of high speed anti ship missiles fired from enemy shore based positions and aircraft all of which have a greater range and speed than the aircraft on your deck. Your carrier would be cut in half and even if you`re aircraft were launched they would have nowhere to return to. And I`d like to see proof a submersible as large as a carrier can`t avoid sonar. Some of the US subs are MASSIVE and but the ocean is BIGGER and if you run silent and deep its hard for the enemy to know where to look.
  13. I`m glad I acted "irresponsibly", ignored my friends` advice and spent my twenties buying up classic items of clothing that won`t date. Now I have basically everything clothing related I want for the rest of my life and except for underwear and t-shirts don`t need to ever buy clothes again. Rolex watch? done. Vintage Levi`s? 2 pairs done. Leather A2 Jacket? done. good Boots that will get better with age? done. rarified Japanese made American Indian jewelry? done. All of these items cost multiple $1000s of dollars each and I forwent a lot of normal things to get them. I`m proud of my possessions and feel satisfaction with them and now I can focus on the "normal" stuff like house, car, furniture, macross toys (?).
  14. OP, an important thing to remember when buying anything is to remember what it is you`re buying. Why would you buy a belt from Levi`s? Levi`s make jeans. Lacoste make polo shirts, not sneakers. Yamato make toys. Would you buy a golf club made by Yamato? No, probably not. Thats why Yamato doesn`t make golf clubs. Although they probably should to take advantage of suckers that buy Levi`s belts and Lacoste sneakers. btw for belts I recommend Comme Des Garcon (awesome Japanese craftsmanship that will last a lifetime and a reasonable price considering the quality) or Silas. I`ve had belts from both over the years and none of them have ever died yet. For sneakers stick to Nike or Adidas or New Balance
  15. Great pics, some stuff I would kill for amongst the displays. Awesome.
  16. The Great Global Warming Swindle was a good one.
  17. ***Don`t drink ***Learn how to cook. I cook 2-3 satisfying healthy nutritious meals week. But I eat my own cooking every night of the week. Wanna know how? I make a massive amount of whatever I make. Massive pasta that will stretch 3 nights and reheat easily. Massive curry, massive mashed potatoes with 3 or 4 steaks and a couple of heads of brocoli, massive fried rice, massive chilli etc etc. Think massive, eat lots of rice and pasta and your food bill can be less than probably US$35 a week too. I eat a lot too and live in Japan where food is more expensive than for say those of you living in the US. ***Rent as others have said. I don`t have to pay for maintenance, land taxes etc. And I live in a small affordable place. ***Don`t own a car ***Walk to work Doing this practically my whole life has given me dozens of pairs of rare Air Jordans, a genuine Rolex watch, a few pairs of vintage Levi`s jeans valued in the thousands of dollars, other jewelry worth thousands of dollars, a collection of rare Japanese streetwear worth many more thousands and a small collection of 4 Yamato 1/60s (I admit Macross isn`t at the top of my priorities list) all while living on my own since I was 18 on a very modest salary and without going into any debt.
  18. Me too, it was so creepy when I was a kid. Loved it. Theres tons of it up on YouTube but yeah DVD would be nice.
  19. In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy?
  20. You don`t consider that science fact? It`s a lot closer to science fact than a lot of movies, ie its set in present day (`80s)reality. I`m thinking of starting my own Weird Science thread. Maybe one for the movie and one for the TV series? besides I`m drawing a blank on hardcore science fact movies. I think you mentioned the only two I can think of. The Right Stuff was awesome. I loved that movie when I was a kid.
  21. Weird Science was really awesome
  22. Awesome. I love stuff like that. Thankyou for all your work.
  23. Ah, no they don`t. For example the disney "subs" on Kiki`s Delivery Service are just a transcript of the dub, ie hearing impaired subs.
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