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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. huh? Is that supposed to be Minmay? Asian girls have no muscle definition and generally couldn`t be in a female body building contest.
  2. You don`t know anything about hip hop.
  3. er yes I was. My original problem was with the posters statement I`ll paraphrase "entertaining FOR A 25 YEAR OLD SHOW" - this implies that being old is something that Macross has to overcome or that being 25 years old is some kind of disadvantage. I would argue its actually an advantage because it was made in the `80s. There was a lot of money, creative freedom and passion in Japan at that time and it resulted in a golden age of Mecha Anime the likes of anything since have not come close to. Sure there have been a few okay shows in the last few years but nothing on the slew of greatly written and sometimes greatly animated gritty mecha war dramas from the `80s. The `80s was an undisputed Golden Age for mecha anime and to assume a show coming from it shouldn`t be entertaining because its 25 years old is laughable. A Golden Age is not just something that older people get nostalgic about it is actually a time and a place where things were better for a certain genre for specific reasons. Sure there may be things that are great now (I don`t really know what it is? in music Electro I guess? Internet freedom and user created content is probably at a peak now that will be eroded by pay services in the future and this time will be looked upon as a Golden Age for the internet ) but if you`re arguing with me for a minute that there is more good hip hop now than in the late `80s/early `90s you can get lost right now.
  4. my apartment is about 16 square metres including unit bathroom and kitchen. about an 8 m^2 living area. pretty tiny.
  5. So how does any of this talk proove that older works have an entertainment disadvantage?
  6. I live in a 1 room apartment in Japan and I have plenty of space to display my collection of Yamatos, aswell as 8 games consoles, various electronics (VHD player!) and 2 racks of clothes that won`t fit in my closet. There would be plenty for the SDF 1 too. Its not the size of a car or anything you know..
  7. Completely disagree. As time goes on creativity wanes, ideas get done to death and rehashed (Macross Frontier anyone?) and production companies take less risks (see endless hollywood sequels and remakes). Unfortunately everything great has been and gone. All good hip hop was done in the `80s and `90s, all good punk in the `70s and `80s and all good mecha anime was done in the `80s. The time was just right at those times for those things and the fact that Macross happened 25 years ago is completely irrelevant and unconnected to its quality.
  8. No but he made a point of saying it was great FOR A 25 YEAR OLD SHOW. Like the fact it was 25 years old is somehow a disadvantage. Why does he asssume theres ANY corellation between age and greatness? If anything its the REVERSE > Older shows are better than newer ones with more creativity. Perhaps what he meant to say was "just another great old show."
  9. Yeah it seems to be a basic assumption that anything (especially anime) produced a long time ago must be poor quality and if something old is entertaining its like a big suprise to them. Like people didn`t have any skills or passion before computers were used to make animation and movies. And you can count me at least as someone who thoroughly appreciated older stuff as a teenager. My favorite movies then were stuff like Dr Strangelove, The Dirty Dozen and the Drunken Master series, all of which came before my time (I was a teenager in the `90s). I could recite this quote from Dr Strangelove word for word. I was a weird kid:
  10. why o why do people these days believe old is equal to bad??!
  11. Seriously Ruskii, you need to get in contact with Anime Societies at Australian universities for the next con. Theres one at every Australian uni I can think of. I used to help run a society at an Australian university and we could book any room on campus that wasn`t in use for free. That included 1000 seat lecture theatres with large projector screens that you could hook up any kind of media to. We booked one of those theatres every Friday night and showed a 6 hour program each time. We even met with the student union and got $3000 to buy videos for a club library.
  12. I hope the control scheme is completely revamped to play a lot more like Ace Combat X. I don`t know why it would be but I hope.
  13. Think of it as your new roomie, it doesn`t cook or clean but it doesn`t hog the shower or make a mess either.
  14. Really amazing. buuuut..if I have to nitpick I would prefer to see those rounded style wheels on that truck like in the lineart. Are you planning on building around the current wheels?
  15. really damn cool. Now just start building the rest of the 1/60 SDF-1 around it.
  16. I looked at the MW video listings and they`re missing these titles. It got me to thinking what other video is missing from the MW page? The 20th Anniversary DVD comes to mind. Any other Macross specials or TV spots that need to be added?
  17. here`s my recent effort: I took some of this: one of these: and made this: let me know what you guys think.
  18. Whats Fufonia? I have seen everything I think. Macross 7 was the worst of the bunch.
  19. I don`t think that`s necessary, I`ve been to modelling expos open to the public in Australia before with thousands of people going through and most of the displays were just sat on tables with DO NOT TOUCH signs liberally placed around and a couple of eagle eyed watchers sitting behind the displays. There were a lot of kids there too and there wasn`t any problem. You could maybe put up a barrier rope a foot or so in front of the display tables if you were worried about people getting too close but I really don`t think heavy glass cases are necessary if the hall is already equipped with trestle tables or something. The liability insurers would probably throw in Valkyrie damage by kid insurance for free anyway.
  20. Completely agree. The Yamato boxes are disposable and worthless with a mere photograph of the toy and some photoshopping. the old Bandai/Takatoku boxes were beautiful pieces of art and thats why they are often displayed in their boxes.
  21. I guess theres tons in books and stuff. The original Total Recall movie was based on a story, it wasn`t original.
  22. Hey Haaliwood SCREW YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!
  23. Um, no. The story clearly takes place in JAPAN and from memory American bombers are seen flying overhead. The suffering in the movie is clearly caused by THE AMERICANS. The problem is that the young viewer thinks the Americans were picking on Japan for no reason. Just becuase Japan was weak whereas they never really learn WHY they were being bombed. I`ve seen it many many times here in Japan where I live, in anime and manga (Grave, Barerfoot Gen) in English textbooks for Japanese Junior High Schools, in educational comic books for youth in town community centres, The story begins with the bombing of Japan, conventional or nuclear or the invasion of Iwo Jima by American troops and ends with a Japanese kid dying. None of the stories begin where Japan invaded China and Asia or bombed Pearl Harbor to give the stories context, they ALL invariably begin with the bombing or attack on Japan. Maybe if Grave had begun with a montage of Japanese troops ransacking Asia, then losing some battles and being pushed back to their country I wouldn`t put the movie in the same propaganda category. But it doesn`t. It doesn`t make any effort to show why Japan was suffering, so its nationalist propaganda in my book. Same as many other pieces of entertainment/"education" for children here.
  24. My issue isn`t so much with the revisionist history its in the mainstream perception of the youth that only Japan suffered in World War 2. This belief is so mainstream that the theme comes up in Junior High School ENGLISH lessons where it has no place. Why do Japanese kids need to read about A-bomb victims in English class? It`s because Japanese love to remind their children at every opportunity just how much Japan suffered while never mentioning what Japan did to other countries.
  25. Good. That means it struck a nerve and might make you think about your country`s direction. Do you reject that Japanese see their country as the innocent victim of World War 2 and acknowledge that the Japanese Imperial forces did A LOT of bad things? OR do you reject that Japan did anything bad in World War 2? If its the latter you have just confirmed my stereotype of Japanese who see Japan as an innocent victim.
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