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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. Yes, you would think that a series like RK would be on the list considering it has 20-some volumes of manga, 90+ episodes, 2 OAV series, and loads of artwork would have made it to the list...blame popular culture. 425228[/snapback] Thats nothing in the sea of anime. Theres dozens of shows with more than 500 episodes and scores more volumes of Manga. I think you guys should realise, as has already been said, this is a Japanese poll and whats popular at your Western Anime Club might not always be whats popular or what has been popular with fans in Japan.
  2. You would be surprised what an impression Fist of the North Star had on popular culture here in Japan. Ive heard non-anime fans from 18 to 80 quote it in normal conversations..
  3. The future is on VHD fools.
  4. sweet!
  5. yep. i am waiting on shawn to send me the stuff so i can get the subs put on the video and correctiosn made if needed. 314194[/snapback] This thread is a year old so I guess the project is dead..? If not I will definately buy one if it is/becomes available
  6. Everythings probably already been said before but these were my impressions of Macross 7: *It starts slowly but after you get through the first 10 or 15 episodes theres a big plot twist (no spoilers here) and the story picks up and is a lot more enjoyable. *The love triangle between Mylene, Basra and Gamlin was pure Macross, loved it. *By the end of the series (if I ignored the corny sound force and a few other stupid things like space being blue) the whole experience did definately have `that old Macross feeling` for me, even if only a fraction of the original`s. I recommend it, it feels a lot more like a saga throught the middle and at the end, fills some interesting plot holes in the Macross universe and does actually have some decent battle scenes without recycled animation now and then.
  7. I'm more refferring to LD, Super VHS, VCD, and whatever else there was at the time that tried to dethrone VHS. Sure some formats were better (S-VHS & LD), but none managed to make a dent for 20 years. I just don't think people are maliable enough to accept a new format within 10 years of its launch. Good point Keith although remember LD was HUGE in Japan, and Japan is the second largest economy in the World still. It`s common that people regard things like LD and the Sega Saturn (vs Playstation) as failures but both were massive in Japan and were very successful for their makers. You could be right that hi-def DVD format might not take off in the US and other parts of the world because well you can already get a damn good picture on a good quality DVD player with some kind of up-processing of images that a lot of people already have. Actually a hi-def DVD player may not look any better on a standard definition TV than a good standard definition DVD player. So I think it could be another situation where a niche format in the US will be huge in Japan and enthusiasts like the guys on this board will source the discs from Japan and get the setups as elite status-symbols among Western otaku. The same as what it used to be like with LD. I know I looked at guys with LD players and boxsets of Macross 7 or whatever back in the day with a whole lot of jealousy.
  8. Okay I just called TRU at Hakkodate this morning and they say they only have a 1/48 super max on the shelf for now. They only had 2 1/48s left on the shelf (A max super 1J and a hikaru super 1J) when I bought mine anyway so sorry to people that were asking me to pick one up for em. I cant get in until next week anyway so that max will prolly be gone by then. My TRU is a small one and the main point of starting this thread is to let MWers in Japan know that there may be a sale on at a TRU near them or to get any friends in Japan to check at their local. Good luck
  9. I can get back to Hakkodate TRU next Saturday if anyones wants me to try and pick up one PM me. Ive only got 8 posts tho so not really expecting anyone to be interested. I`m sure the same sale is on at all Japan TRUs so if you`ve got buddies anywhere Japan get em to check.
  10. I was just at the Hakkodate Japan TRU and picked up my first 1/48s a super Hikaru 1J aswell as a super max 1J for 10,000 Yen (around $100 each) on sale. They were the only types of 1/48s they had but who knows at other TRUs in the country?? They had 1/60 Elints and a few other more common ones for a bargain too.
  11. soooo sweet...drool
  12. Well I used to be Skull00 but I was ashamed of my generic user name so I only contributed like 100 posts but then I moved on to milspec coz I liked it better. It reflects my militaristic philosophies and interest in military grade hardware. Unfortunately the implementation of my universal internet username initiative forced me to change to MilSpex soon after. It now matches all my other identities on the internet. Milspex also reflects on the fact that I wear glasses. Phase 5 of the program includes eBay and Paypal which is in the planning phases now. I'll keep you posted on my progress. UIUI: Universal Internet Username Initiative - The Way of the Future.
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