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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. excellent! I was very close to settling for the HK bootleg set and those headache inducing subtitles. hopefully these DVDs will have a nice set of grammatically correct subs to read.
  2. I hate emulators, for me only the original console game is the true experience.
  3. btw if the yen price on the NCS page is correct then its actually around US$3650.
  4. Cool comics, Stratagos. Long time since I saw Voltron.
  5. even more original is the tagline "this time it`s personal"
  6. just saying but PSX was a home entertainment system based around the PS2, VFX was on PS1
  7. finally! Count me in for the MW mailorder copy. any chance of doing some VHD copies?
  8. Yeah this would be cool. If theres a "SW1" then there should be a "SW2" right? Otherwise SW1 would just be called "The Space War". Wasn`t WW1 pre WW2 was just called "The Great War"?
  9. You`re welcome. Much respect. Wow, your project gets cooler every post. Any chance of a Siokorvsky Comanchero or Sea Sergeant customs? I remember seeing line art for at least one of them in the old Robotech RPG manuals which were reprinted from some Macross source material (dont know what book exactly but probably Perfect Memory(?) If you`re not familiar with the line art, a UN Spacy helo appeared in the first episode of Macross (Macross Special) were it was ambushed from the sea around the Island by regults. I think they resemble Soviet helicopters more than stuff like the Sea King (hence the "Siokorvsky" make) so I dont know if theres any Hind body kits around but I think thats what you should aim for ideally.
  10. You`ve done really well so far considering the lack of source material. Please keep the updates coming! Love this thread.
  11. I take it you`ve never seen Gundam?
  12. Thanks for that post, it all makes perfect sense to me except for this: Was the VF-1 design changed after SW1? Aside from the Strike Cannon which might have been a later weapon development, wouldnt the VF-1s have just been painted to look prettier instead of being upgraded models?
  13. Some say that the mecha and colorschemes used in DYRL? are now canon as they would have been animated that way if the creators had the time during the TV show. So are Strike Valkyries now canon and likewise the ARMD space platforms being attached to the SDF-1 instead of the Prometheus and Daedalus? Is the DYRL? colorsheme on the SDF-1 also canon then?
  14. Nice display case. Can you tell us where you got it?
  15. Well, that is canon because Hikaru definately piloted a VF-1J with GPB armor during the TV series.
  16. Nice screen from DYRL Playstation. I thought the Saturn version was enough to own but now I need the Playstation version aswell! I definately want to outfit a few CF 1As with standard blue GPB-1S armor I think. But can anyone actually confirm that CF 1As were seen fighting in GPB-1S armor during the final confrontation with Bodolza in the original series? (My animeigo DVDs are in another country right now) Reason I`m asking is I don`t consider DYRL or games derived from it canon and I want to outfit my guys as close to canon as possible
  17. boing boing
  18. I live in Japan and speak alright Japanese and I find that Japanese are far more likely to use the term 「マニアク〠or maniac rather than `otaku` to describe anime and manga nerds or anyone else that does anything considered nerdy as a hobby. Including airsoft, building plastic models, collecting schoolgirl uniforms, collecting old issues of Japanese idol magazines or singing visual rock at Karaoke etc etc  
  19. Hey Grebo Guru, listen to Kieth, he knows his stuff.
  20. I agree with this post. UN Spacy (UN Space Navy) is probably an umbrella term for all the services.
  21. I completely agree with the OP. `80s anime has a certain quality to it. I mean it was the decade that anime FANS of the `60s and `70s started making stuff for their otaku friends and everything was done with loving detail. More like art than business. It`s not just nostalgia. I grew up watching Robotech etc but I didn`t ever see the original Gundam until a few years ago. I loved it and it had the same special feeling as other shows I had seen, Orguss etc.
  22. From the looks its also under the Canadian Flag..? I remember seeing the Flagg in a toystore when I was about 12 and wanting it bad..havent seen it again until now..makes a cool Daedalus/Prometheus tho..
  23. Is that the GI Joe USS Flag?
  24. Um, you do know how popular DBZ was in Japan and Asia.??? It was a great show imo but whatever your opinion most Japanese kids of the last generation grew up together with Goku (Goku and his buddies got older as the show went on). Of course its on the list. Leaving it off would be like leaving the Simpsons of a top 100 most loved American cartoons..
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