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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. MilSpex

    Second Life

    I already completed 2nd life with only 1 credit, I`m on 3rd life now.
  2. One of my favorites from when I was a kid (I`m 29 now). Up there with ET and the Karate Kid for me. I dont really want to go back and watch it in case its not as good as I remember.
  3. Quoted. Sorry.. But seriously the fans that went to the concert really got their money`s worth with not even bootleg versions of the promo released..Maybe BW want to widely release it closer to the debut?? The wait is really painful.
  4. Really? The 20mm gattling on an A-10 fires depleted uranium shells that can defeat modern tanks. Gattlings on ships aren`t designed to penetrate armour, just to put up a lead shield against incoming missiles.
  5. Has this been posted before? Macross Live backstage:  
  6. beautiful but HOW MUCH???
  7. How much yen did you pay Swoosh?
  8. I`ve just been dreaming about the new series and for it to be truly epic I think it has to involve earth. Sure they`re on the "frontier" of space but it would be cool if they had to return to earth for some reason. Because a fight for earth is one everyone can get behind. I think thats what made Macross great for me. An epic battle for our homeworld. And where the hell is video from the concert?? In this age of instant dissemination of information I cant believe there`s nothing at all out there. Wasnt there just 1 dishonest fan who wanted the glory of breaking the video first!?!?! Damn Japanese people are robots sometimes.. : ( And BW not releasing the video to the general public 1 whole week after the concert is unforgivable.
  9. You guys are all wrong! The FUTURE is on VHD (the only format with real 3D!). Click the link in my sig for the truth.
  10. oh my bad. Forget that and buy it.
  11. How do you know that? Macross 7 had beautiful opening animation in parts. The actual series animation for Macross Frontier could look just as cheap as Macross 7 in-series mecha animation.
  12. Same, looks DYRL-ish, packed with detail. Of course could just be nothing like what the actual series animation turns out like. Promotional animation would be on par with the quality of opening animation I guess?
  13. Exciting stuff. Is the singer Nakajima Ai or Nakajima Megumi??
  14. Woo Hoo! My favorite thread is back!
  15. Will we ever see the return of MechTech and this amazing project? Or has the migration messed up images and MechTech`s will to post for good?
  16. Wow, I`d almost buy the single collection just for the box art if thats it. Kresphy can you confirm all the singles will be reissued on 12cm CDs or in the original 8cm formats?
  17. I haven`t collected since High School but my favorite titles that got me hooked were Punisher, Punisher War Journal and GI JOE. I got out because of the appaling standards of art and reliance on enhanced covers, lower page counts and shitty writing around the late `90s. How is it now? Higher quality overall? I got into manga for a long time after that because of the high page counts and consistant art and story. If I liked issue one I`d like the final issue. I learned basic Japanese and got a good dictionary and read through the Japanese editions of Video Girl Ai and I`s. The original Marvel GI Joe run was soooo good tho. Larry Hama was a genius. I know he did Wolverine for a while. What does he do these days? Writing anything good?
  18. Wow, QRau is more poseable and larger than I thought. Have to pick one up.
  19. The detail in this thing is going to be ridiculous
  20. Seiko was a popular Japanese idol singer at the time. But I dont think the chick in the backseat looks similar. Seiko had short hair. I`d link an image but MWs not letting me.
  21. Old news, its the same issue of Newtype with the Kawamori interview and sketches thats already out (July coverdate periodicals come out in June). The movie you linked is the Sega Saturn DYRL? opening animation with different music added.
  22. I agree. But does anyone else think Yamato`s packaging is really lame? The perfect macross toy would be a Yamato 1/48 in an old school `80s Macross box imo.
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