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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. Could the protagonists in this thread please post the complete time/event lines that they believe are true? That would help a lot follow your arguments I think.? Please?
  2. Didnt some episodes of SDFM get delivered from the studio to the TV station on the same day they were due to air?? Except for some pretty ugly Animefriend episodes which I doubt were delivered too late that series turned out pretty well. Maybe Kawamori and Co worked well under pressure?
  3. I am so confused.
  4. Whoo Hoo. Me too.
  5. I`m guessing the third seat is for an extra observer/analyst to ride in. Like when Misa goes along in the Cat`s Eye. Think of this as Misa`s seat in DYRL?
  6. Fascinating. Will we ever see humankind ally with the Supervision Army?
  7. What about Destroid fans?
  8. Yeah. It probably sees more combat than most tanks and was the first to use a land based phallanx style system to protect against incoming projectiles.
  9. Yeah you guys are right. Its worth trying to change something. And besides we already have the precedent of the "International Edition" of Macross Plus that was released in Japan with an English audio track and no subs (?) aswell as Macross DYRL? in English with Japanese subtitles for language learners so who knows?
  10. Zinjo, Mikeszeckly - They would look at the cost/benefit ratio. The time and cost of licensing subs or getting new ones done, adding them to the discs (timing etc) vs the sales from a few extra maniacs from America etc who want a subbed copy of say the Macross Movie on HD and have HD equipment. Also if they did their homework would realise a lot of fans already have the bootleg of and are happy with it..Be honest theres only going to be a few hundred extra sales worldwide at the most if they add subs. Macross just isnt a mainstream product.. The idea of setting up distribution in North America is also an expensive one. Hiring staff, getting an office, etc etc. All for a few products with limited mainstream appeal.
  11. Why wouldnt your perfect world just be one where you could understand Japanese? An English translation is never going to be the same because some things just dont translate and require an understanding of the Japanese cultural context. Studying the language for many years gives you this understanding and a better understanding of anime characters motivations.
  12. Agree 100%. Or you could just learn Japanese. Theres more advantages than just being able to watch anime.
  13. But then again I think people here also overestimate how big a percentage of total Macross fans are English speaking. For every Macross Worlder there are 100 hardcore Macross Otaku in Japan.
  14. I stand corrected. Analog 35mm is technically unlimited resolution but on a the medium sized widescreen CRT I plan to have I think remastered DVD will be more than enough. I think a better copy would only be needed for really huge displays.
  15. Old Macross art makes me so happy.
  16. Aside from in-joke valks the creators were probably thinking about what would happen realistically. Think about what happens in Iraq. Users customise and "uparmor" their humvees, AFVs and tanks to the mission. They might canabalise other vehicles and equipment, take parts from destroyed or damaged vehicles. Also consider that weapons and equipment in the military go through a lot of prototyping and testing. Now consider that the Macross and Earth were facing a vastly numerically superior enemy and every man and machine was needed to fight. Every warhead and bullet mattered. So basically it makes sense that in the final battle for Earth a lot of planes had been modified to carry more ordanance and all available aircraft (including a prototype VFER) had been launched into the fight.
  17. I think most are aware of that. The media format clearly says DVD. How much better can a movie shot on regular film look anyway? The reason I (and most others?) are getting this boxset is because they dont own an R2 copy yet and this set has 2 bonus discs of material. What do you mean "out of hand?" Every preorder made makes the 25th anniversary of Macross more successful and the chances of seeing much more material/products in the future increases. Also the fact that its the 1984 Summer movie sends a message that the Old School fans are still out there and demanding.
  18. If it hasnt been already this project should be brought to the attention of Miyatake. I`m sure he`d be flattered/impressed.
  19. Mari looks more "Japanese". I think Megumi is the popular look now in Japan. Big nose and smile. Exagerated features.. Anyway hell, both are cute imo.
  20. My mistake, 30MM indeed. Amazing weapon. Did some wiki-ing and the thing can fire 70 rounds a second (!) with only as few as 6 direct hits required to take out modern main battle tanks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-10_Thunderb...Weapons_Systems
  21. I scanned the Japanese text and cant pick up any mention of FLIR or Lantirn or what those pods might be. They talk about the cockpit details but not the underside? Can anyone with better Japanese ability confirm?
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