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Everything posted by Weaseldancer

  1. I'm just getting the extended ones as they are released.
  2. agreed. So was Julie Newmar from the TV show.
  3. Looks like a strung out junkie in lingere that even Fredrick's of Hollywood rejected.
  4. Let's see, I have 6 re-issues, 2 Joon's, a custom Jetfire that was converted to a VF-1D and 2 other Jetfires so I have a total of 11 chunky monkeys.
  5. Let's see: Digital Camera Wood flooring in my bedroom Exciting huh?
  6. Edged Weapons: Long sword - well balanced, reponsive feels like a live thing in your hands. War spear - just something about it that I really like.
  7. I collect all of them. Each scale has things about them I like.
  8. I think it would be very difficult to translate the Foundation series into movies. I'd be interested in seeing it if they could get someone like Peter Jackson who has done a great job with LOTR. I'll have to keep an eye out on this.
  9. Keen. Hey are you in the bay area? Do they still run the "Music from the Hearts of Space"? Back in college we had a station that mirrored the "Music from the Hearts of Space" late at night... maaaaaaaan... you get a good buzz on and hang out in a dark room with some pals and just relax to that... faaaaar ooouuuut maaaaaaan... B) Edit: Anyone from the Bay Area? Do they still run that show? It was really trippy new age music, mainly keyboards with loooooooong trippy space chords. Not like Yanni or Tesh, more like "getting stoned and cruizing through space" music. It was kick ass makeout music too, really low key and "mystical". Never got buzzed to that music. Generally I get my buzz on Lords of Acid or if I am getting wasted to something Jimmy Buffet.
  10. Yes, I listen to a lot of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Handel and Wagner. I also listen to Gershwin a fair amount. Personal favorites are Mozart's 41st, Beethoven's 5th and Bach's Brandenberg Conchertos. I also listen to some opera like Orff's Carmina Burana.
  11. It's definately unique looking. If I find it cheap enough, I may pick one up.
  12. I'll listen to most anything except rap, hip-hop, teeny-pop and old time country. Lately I've been listening to Enigma NIN Praga Khan Lords of Acid Crystal Method Chemical Brothers KMFDM Depeche Mode Pink Floyd Tool Johnny Cash Sting Police Rush Metallica Jimmy Buffet Stabbing Westward Chris Rhea Iron Maiden Steve Miller Band Eagles Puddle of Mud
  13. Not a syndrome I have. I buy them, open them up, mess around with them and then stick them in a display case. Otherwise what's the point.
  14. Even though I'm on the north side of 30 I still ask my wife for toys. Luckily she asks me to list exactly what I want and that's what I usually get. I don't bother to ask anyone else in my family though as they would just look at me strangely and buy me a sweater insted.
  15. Weaseldancer

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Could our prayers have been answered?
  16. I just picked this up last week. Haven't read it yet though. Looks pretty good though.
  17. That's amazing. I'd love to know how many legos that took to make.
  18. I'd probably get them all being the completist that I am.
  19. 1. House Note 2. Car Note 3. Other Hobbies 4. Wife 5. The fact that I am not a multi-millionaire
  20. If you like them and want to keep them then keep them. If not sell them. They're your valks, do what you want with them.
  21. If this is the worst thing that ever happens to you, count yourself lucky.
  22. For that amount of money, I would rather get a chainmail haubrek for my other hobby: collecting weapons and armor and going to Renisance Faires.
  23. I want a Chronic and Bluntman movie. I just don't get why people think Halle Berry is such a good actress. Anyone that gets outacted by Robin Givens can never be considered a good actress in my book.
  24. I'm not impressed at all. I much prefer Michelle Phiffer as Catwoman compared to that.
  25. I have to go with the PS1/PS2.
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