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Everything posted by Weaseldancer

  1. Empire. None of the others even come close. Evil is where its at.
  2. 31 here but lived enough and seen enough to feel much older than that.
  3. Of course you should get it. Every addict needs to get their fix. I should know my name is Kevin and I am a valkyrie addict.....
  4. There is no cure. I have a terminal case of Valkaholism. At this rate I'll need a second job to support my habit.....
  5. Time to update once again: 1/72nd = 6 1/60th = 17 1/48th = 9 1/48th Fast Packs = 4
  6. Try tightning the screws on the base. That should take care of the looseness.
  7. 1 VF-1D Custom
  8. I really would rather not see more low-vis type of valkyries. I would prefer to see Yamato move on to something new like a VF-4, SV-51, VF-0, enemy mechs, destroids, etc.
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to all and a belated one to all of you Canucks. BTW did anyone see Mike Meyers trying to explain the difference between when Canada celebrates thanksgiving vs. the US on Letterman last night? Dave just couldn't seem to figure it out.
  10. So far I have been pretty lucky with the boxes I get. They have all been in great shape. Both Kevin and Tam do a very good job of packing things for shipping.
  11. That is sweet llooking. I am definately going to have to get one.
  12. What ever happening to parent's watching cartoons or movies with their children and explaining what is right and wrong and that no just because Jerry hit Tom in the back of the head with a basebalol bat doesn't mean you can do that to your brother? I grew up watching a lot of the shows people are complaining about and never had any problem discriminating right from wrong or reality from fanatasy. But then again my parents took the time to watch things with me and explain the difference between tv and reality. Maybe they ought to ban the news next. That's even worse than most tv shows or toys. Jeesh. Some of these groups need to spend more time with their kids and less time telling everyone else how to run their lives.
  13. I just hope they space them out a bit to give my wallet a chance to recover.
  14. I'm betting on a Max and Millia 1J. We know how Yamato loves to milk those molds.
  15. Rob, You've got mail!
  16. Unless you are incredibly clumsy or use a ridiculous amount of force, there should be no risk at all doing the swap. As far as movement, the heads I swaped move just fine. Mine doesn't seem to be loose either.
  17. I've done the head swap before. It's extreamely easy to do. All you need is a small phillips screwdriver and you're in business.
  18. I hope that it works like the 1/55th. I will probably pick a loose one in addition to the bundled one if that is the case. as my wallet runs and hides.......
  19. Personally, I am getting both but if I could only get one I would get the VF-1J.
  20. Personally, I hope they bundle the armor with the 1J. That way I can have one with the GBP armor and one with the fast packs.
  21. Why did you have to mention that! Finally after years of expensive therapy I was able to erase all memories of ever having seen part of that movie. Now they have all come flooding back. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  22. Very nice looking. I will have to pick a set of those up now.
  23. Sweet. Soon I shall have my precious.
  24. I was about to add that one. Other than Battlefield Earth, Highlander II and Metalstorm, I can't think of a worse movie than that one. Another one is Yor though that might count as fantasy instead of Sci-fi.
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