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Everything posted by Galaxy_Stranger

  1. Ok, so the canopy is the only difference - what about the pilot? how can you tell which pilot you've got? Or do they give you both?
  2. Hey, quick question - when you're purchasing a model like this, other than the obvious DYRL version that this model is, when you're purchasing a standard valkyrie, is there a way to tell if it's for DYRL vs the tv show? As near as I can tell, the valkyries are identical, with the exception of the pilot suit.
  4. heh, cool
  5. Thanks for sharing! I've had varying problems with all of these issues in the past and had real hit-and-miss success. I'm used to using the colored Testors plastic sandpaper, but there's no real standardization. Now, I can purchase sandpaper based on standardized grit specifications. I did find an interesting video on sanding and polishing canopies, which I'll experiment with my Dremel to see if I can get his polishing process down: https://youtu.be/WHJmxKKxsew. He also has a video on sanding blocks: https://youtu.be/606_x_KAo4I. I've got some modeling projects coming up and I really want to get them right! Oh man - I'm REALLY gonna need a good scriber for various scales - any thoughts?
  6. Ok - Sanding. Kind of a noob question, but I'd like to know about other people's sanding practices. What grits do you use and when?
  7. Fantastic work! What, in terms of game play options, will there be? Will there be any bad guys?
  9. Speaking of which - it looks like you added a black wash to that?
  10. Very interesting effect. It looks like playing with that has a lot of potential on a generally weathered/used vehicle. I can't wait to get a hold of a WWII era vehicle and start rusting it out with that technique. I wonder if that would be a good way to do exhaust? Hmmmmm...
  11. I've seen a lot of weird, certainly non-military paint jobs on Valkyries before. Something like this might work for some sort of celebration paint job or even camouflage with the right colors.
  12. Anybody ever consider using this technique on a Valkyrie? htts://youtu.be/w66vVC6XcPQ
  13. Just an FYI - Amazon's selling Badger's Sotar 20/20 for $86. Normal cost on this is about $400. I picked one up this week. It's legit.
  14. zomg - that's a totally affordable price - even if you figure out larger scales! I'd totally do a 1/72 scale set of parts to assemble and paint myself for ~30 or 40 bucks. And they look great as-is.
  15. That's just amazing - I'm so jealous! You got them from Shapeways? How costly are they to print?
  16. Great, thanks! All I've been able to find around here are regular medical type syringes.
  17. Hey - where can I get a hold of syringes like that? I need syringes with large needles like that for applying different substances.
  18. I would be EXTREMELY interested in the results of Mr. Setter and Softer. I've been using Microsol and Microset for 25 years. I don't really have any complaints with the micro products, but I'm interested in alternatives that give an even BETTER result!
  19. Why not just use an existing game engine?
  20. Love that color scheme
  21. Btw - how did you apply the latex? Did you spray it or brush it on?
  22. Yer not gonna stick an LED behind that eye??
  23. Yes, do a google search and you'll see that xbox can and I saw one on ps3. couldn't find anything on ps4. I was asking about how much control one has over the look of the space ships in Space Engineers.
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