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Everything posted by Galaxy_Stranger

  1. How did you set that up? Is there a switch or do you plug it into a wall?
  2. I don't doubt it! Man, I've never even HEARD of an aircraft kit not having a pilot! Oh well... I think I've got a decent alternative, though. I was never a stickler about getting all the cockpit detail perfect anyway, so I think I've thought of a solution to not having a pilot involving Alclad... Does Hobby Blobby carry acrylic sheets? I can't seem to find anything cheap around me. I need some cheap stuff to test with and some thick stuff for cutting and using as a straight-edge. Man, this sucker is TINY compared to a 1/72 scale F-14!
  3. Bastards! Thanks. Are the TV versions of pilots available?
  4. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000IM6LEO?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00 Got some interesting ideas for it. Why no pilot? Is that usual?
  5. Extremely cool work! If you can ever get this exported, you can get those valkyries pilotable.
  6. You know, all of my favorite shows ended abruptly with not a whole lot of resolution. Where does it fit in the overall timeline? Could it be considered a sequel to the original series? Or is it kind of a "reboot" universe? Incidentally, I'm really liking the G1 Retelling video games so far, (War/Fall of Cybertron/Cybertron Adventures).
  7. At about 4 feet, you'll be getting dust particles on your other models. The paint will be dried by the time it hits them, but they will get lightly dusted. Still a pain in the arse, though. You probably won't notice any difference at first, but over time they'll start looking dirty and not nice and fresh. I'd cover the other models with a rag or towel or something to be safe - even with a spray booth.
  8. That's awesome!
  9. Several years ago, I caught the series on TV and liked what I saw. I thought it really captured the spirit of the show. But I haven't seen it since. Amazon's got the whole series. What are your thoughts on the show?
  10. WAIT - Someone stole artwork from Kevin AGAIN!?!?!? Omg...
  11. Very hot. You know, all of this weathering of alien technology is interesting. Makes me wonder just how these kinds of machines would weather, I mean it's supposed to be such advanced alien technology. Surely it's going to weather and get battle damage, but would it rust in the same way as a '67 Mustang? These things weren't made out of stainless steel. Maybe the vehicles stranded on Earth might. I think the show kinda made it look that way.
  12. How did you FIND all of this stuff!? I've been keeping a lookout for these kinds of things forever! And trolling traditional modeling sites didn't work either!
  13. Hey, speaking of which, where do you get sheets of plastic to construct sanding blocks?
  14. You need more than one trap?
  15. Other than this, I've never even seen 1/100. Hobby Blobby has 1/144 and that's about it, I think. Freakin' things are so small, I broke off the fins on my F-15 just putting the cockpit together!
  16. 1/100 seems like such an odd scale to me.
  17. Check it out!: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001T7RZG0/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2WDB1LRIQ91T2 And in such an odd scale...but that's neat because it'll match my 1/144 scale conventional aircraft!
  18. Yeah - I had seen that particular one at the manufacturer's web site, but I couldn't find ANYTHING on Amazon, which I thought was odd. Wondered if there was a hidden stash of modeling decal stores somewhere on the 'net.
  19. Ok, so the consensus is to pretty much avoid Bandai? What about Wave?
  20. I put this here after reading the rules for the model kits section and didn't want to infringe on anything. First - I read a couple threads that mentioned recasting parts. I hadn't heard about this, but I've had the need for this in the past due to missing/melted parts in kits. Where do you even start going about doing this?? Second, I'm needing to find VF-84 Jolly Rogers 1/72 scale decals. This would be for playing around with applying to a Valkyrie, but I also bought an F-14 recently - and it came with paper decals!!!!! So, I need replacements, but can't find anything. All I can find is either the wrong scale or the wrong time period. Does anybody have any go-to sources for finding supplies like this?
  21. I see! Thanks! I look forward to getting one of each. Hasagawa has some models at the same price point.
  22. I'm used to seeing Macross kits in general on Amazon for at least $50 American, or so. But lately I've been finding these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DTVI9Y?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_2&smid=A111T5BUDCP21Y What's your evaluation of this brand? What separates the other, more expensive, kits and brands?
  23. Thanks!
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