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Everything posted by Galaxy_Stranger

  1. It's on its way: http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/aii/aiia76534.htm Anybody put this thing together? I'd love to get the entire set.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zedxNWKeV7M I hope it's moddable.
  3. Notice how it's the animation for the dancing baby.
  4. Check this out - watch closely for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Duz994lqo
  5. That gives me a boner. I'm close to getting Flight Simulator X because of this.
  6. I'll try that.........
  7. Hey, how large are you making your texture maps? Mine are 1024x1024.
  8. Man, that's so awesome.
  9. Let me see if I got this. You create an Ambient Occlusion map, which you invert and add Dirt and/or Scratches. Then you create the base texture and create a bare metal texture. Then you invert the Ambient Occlusion map and add scratches? Then you use the Ambient Occlusion map as a mask to let the bare metal through. Is that right?
  10. Oh, that's interesting.
  11. Thank you - I'm trying to get my texturing to look more realistic: http://forum.zdoom.org/download/file.php?id=24655&mode=view http://forum.zdoom.org/download/file.php?id=24666&mode=view
  12. Could you describe in general terms how you're making the materials/textures for this?
  13. Is it glossy on its own, or does it require a gloss finish for that?
  14. Yeah - that's exactly what I needed to know. From images online, it LOOKED like the effect was varied but I wasn't sure. Thanks!
  15. That's hot
  16. Has anybody used Tamiya X-19 smoke? Got any examples of how dark you can get it? Do you have a choice of how dark it looks?
  17. That weathering is ASTOUNDING.
  18. Well, the point is you could do whatever you wanted on the Playstation and then share your work with everyone else - who can then run it on a server. Also, PC users can do large, tedious editing work quickly for you and give it back so you wouldn't have to muck around with large-scale excavation, etc. There's GOT to be a way. It's the same game - the format has to be close.
  19. Good news. I'm still surprised there's no way to export those maps in some way.
  20. Would still be fun to implement valkyries.
  21. So hot
  22. Many of us do.
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