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The Old Man

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Everything posted by The Old Man

  1. Nope. One 25F is enough for me. I have supers on the A, G, and RVF. No doubles rule err.. rules! Lol.
  2. Friday morning at 8am UK time, not too bad.
  3. I've just bought a Michael and Luca, so going by my experience with my Ozma reissues shouldn't be too far away lol.
  4. If they were all sold out, I wouldn't expect anyone to be around. There were only a few made afterall, so if someone was able to get one then sell it online good luck to them. Gives the rest of us who weren't able to go a chance to buy them. If someone was willing to pay $700 then it was a great move by the seller.
  5. Well I already have some of them, so it's more about just completing the set.
  6. Yep, all my orders are placed and will have the following when everything has arrived. VF-25F w/tornado parts VF-25S w/armour parts VF-25G w/super parts VF-25A w/super parts RVF-25 w/super parts and ghosts YF-25 naked I have also pre-ordered the 25G tornado parts just in case
  7. If that's the case, then why is the Valk included shown as a J with SDFM colours?Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Hikaru have an A then a S in DYRL?
  8. Is that what has become of the Enterprise D, a testbed for paint colours? Facepalm indeed
  9. This stand is ok with something big on like like a 19. It's way too big for the 1 that it's sold with though. The storage is a nice idea, but it should have been black to hide the bits. Otherwise it's distracting. The arm can't go very low and there is no left/right tilt, which is quite incredulous given the size of the thing.
  10. So if this is a TV Hikaru, what colour will he be given that Arcadia have already released movie versions that are bright white/pink/whatever? They can't go brighter white, the thing will glow in the dark.
  11. The price will be a good indication too. If it appears to be too good to be true, those will be v1 lol.
  12. Yup. There have been a few reissues of Alto's 25F but no more super or armoured parts for him. Maybe this will change but until then... You can get the 25S super parts for less than a new conservatory if you hunt around. Armoured parts are crazy money like you say.
  13. Nope. Ozma was rockin the full armour. Alto and Michael were in the Tornado parts.
  14. From everything I've read, yes. I'm waiting for my Alto version to arrive so I'll know personally soon.
  15. You'll be ok. There is a risk on the CF triangles, though mine are fine. The leg/knee thing is just a case of not forcing anything when putting the legs back to fighter mode. They'll only rotate back into position when they are almost flat against the body.
  16. Hmm. On the one hand I'm tempted to break my no doubles rule - just because this may be my only opportunity to purchase another ar MSRP. On the other hand, I can just kick back and relax as everyone else plays the F5 game at ridiculous o'clock. I can even glance across the room and see this...
  17. Can I just officially register my interest in this. Should you want to start counting potential buyers. Looks awesome
  18. Awesome. You should start your own thread dude.
  19. Fantastic pics and great info. Can't wait to get mine And yes, that stand is gorgeous. I really hope your plans come to fruition so we can all ditch the standard bandai ones.
  20. Yes if I had infinite space and money I can just about justify variants, but I get no enjoyment from filling my loft/roof space with MISB duplicates. Does this mean I have to return my MW badge and gun?
  21. I was tempted just because it was there, but I'm sticking to my no doubles rule.
  22. Maybe it's one of them Zentradi cow/hippos
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