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The Old Man

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Everything posted by The Old Man

  1. I'll have to look into that then. I must admit that I got a bit tired when reading the manual, so I've only really played with the auto settings. Thanks for the kind words in your previous post that I forgot to acknowledge. I really appreciate the feedback from such a photo taking legend as yourself. Cheers bud.
  2. Yes, a Nikon smartphone. Thanks Cas.
  3. Lol. He is the man. Thanks man Lol. It was Yeti's fault honest. I got a Nikon D3100 recently as I always wanted a DSLR but didn't want to spend silly money. More loot for valks right? Priorities FTW. Thank you sir.
  4. Hey guys, some newish pics for you. (If anyone who actually knows how to use a camera wants to give me any advice - please feel free!)
  5. Had two email notifications today, missed out both times lol.
  6. Fantastic work Yeti. Really enjoyed the video and it's brilliant to see how far this has come since you had the original idea. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and I'm confident that when you are happy with it we all will be too. Can't wait.
  7. Wow, looks great.
  8. The new sets aren't really doing it for me, my most recent purchase was Benny's spaceship (spaceship, SPACESHIP). This was allowed as my GF loved the Lego movie so she 'helped' me build it. Star Wars wise I tend to go for the UCS sets only now but the sandcrawler was really uninspiring. There is rumoured to be a UCS Slave 1 coming later this year (Boba Fett version thankfully) but that's still unconfirmed. My fingers are crossed for another UCS Millennium Falcon to tie in with Episode 7.
  9. Thanks guys Overall, it's a nice set. Chunky and nicely detailed. My main gripe is the the leg armour and wing piece on one side doesn't wasn't to play ball and stay attached. It kinda fixes on, just not as good as the other side. Any clumsy handling though and they fall off. As soon as you try and hinge the wings up to begin the transformation will pull the leg armour off too!
  10. Took some photos today, here's a few shots of fighter mode. Was playing with light and filters, so please forgive any pretentiousness lol. Was trying to compensate for the crappy background.
  11. I had purchase envy, so I bagged a 30
  12. Finally arrived. Can't start playing with it til tomorrow though
  13. Sorry yes, that is nonsense.
  14. Star Trek (The Original Series) was one of the first shows to be broadcast in colour, so they went a bit crazy with the colour palette lol. Things were a bit toned down by the time The Next Generation came along. Then DS9, Voyager etc went even further with the grey uniforms with muted highlights. I think its just a fashion thing, as time has gone on tastes have become more sophisticated. With animation, it may also have something to do with techniques becoming more sophisticated.
  15. Lol. Pretty much anyone in the UK. We have a version of a/c. It's called opening a window
  16. Just, wow. Such impressive work, can't wait to see the finished model. Bravo sir
  17. Should we be reading anything into that 'come' in italics?
  18. Still waiting for mine too. I'm not sure if your superb photos are helping or not Saburo
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