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The Old Man

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Everything posted by The Old Man

  1. Thanks again Falcon. I'm gonna get the airbrush out of retirement and have a go. The model is all built, so now I've taken it apart again ready for painting. I've always used enamels in the past, but I want to give acrylics a try just in case everything goes south. My chosen scheme is pretty ambitious, so best to err on the side of caution. That's looking great. Do you plan on weathering it?
  2. Sorry Saburo!
  3. This could be the second T or at a stretch an A... Not at home to shoot a new pic
  4. That looks amazing. What did you do to it? Did I read that you resprayed parts, if so how did you reapply the decals? Did it come with them so you could add SMS to the wings and leg parts? Top job regardless.
  5. Thanks again. When you painted it, what paints did you use, acrylic? Did you use a primer? Did you spray the whole thing one colour, then mask and paint the other colours on top. If so, did the paint cover the existing paint ok? Sorry to pester you, just don't want to make a mess of it.
  6. Thanks for the nice feedback guys, always good to hear. It is a lovely bird. And thank you Saburo for forcing me to up my game!
  7. Not in the same ballpark as Mr Saburo, but in the same thread at least. My new Cavalier, hope you like.
  8. Would love to know more about this as I've got a built kit and finally an idea of what I want to do with it. Any hints or lessons learned from your experience?
  9. This is the piece that mounts the shuttle to the stand part which sits on the base. Top view (shuttle side) Bottom view (stand/base side) So there are two slots (male) which fit into two female slots on the shuttle. The bottom fits into one of two female cubes on the lower part of the stand.
  10. The stand looks like this: (on the SP version anyway) The weight of the monster itself is 835g.
  11. Nice little haul received today. Thanks Cas
  12. Want.
  13. I think having your first 171 is like a badge of honour, a MW rite of passage if you will. The first is a learning experience, setting you up for the subsequent follow up purchases. Not only have I been able to learn how to transform my CF, I have also become adept at taking the thing apart and fixing it. The glued knee is holding up well. I have had no problems at all with my Alto custom, and don't expect any with my Luca either.
  14. That 19 adapter makes it worth getting this stand just for that. Great work yeti.
  15. Hmmm I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have a pre-order somewhere. Not sure I'll keep it though Thank you spanner Yes, I'm very pleased that I got mine.
  16. Great job on the painting, lovely clean edges on the black.
  17. Thank you gents. And thank you barurutor for hooking me up
  18. Very nicely done. Do the wings get fixed into position on these kits then, or is it just a display preference you're talking about?
  19. Yeah, I used a filter on this to mute the colours slightly. I use a filter on a lot of stuff actually.
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