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Everything posted by Dermeister

  1. heheh ) all i know is im in love wiff the x45 O_O the thing even gots a mouse on it O_o as if,talk about HOTAS lol
  2. HAy anny word on when about the 19 will be finished?? i just bought a saitek x45 ) man that thing flys great omg O_O!
  3. aye or i foudn myself jsut not beeign able to slow down LOL!!!!!! i had throtel full back and it keap acelerating..... i had to shut off the engins and aply full Airbreaks LO!L anny how took it down the grand cangon yesterday.. corners nicly at hight speeds
  4. lol o lvoe zhat word flying liek a bat out of hell is how the 19 is supost to fly lol )) its a crazy plane fast high flying ..and that model released is jsut liek a teaser its not even near froem done.. well i mguessing froem the posts i read after the realese of that 2002 model im guessing its takign long for it to be released caus the guy is fixing those probs.. and his pc.. lol that he had to reformat what 2 3 times .. froem what ican read in this thread.. anny how it shoueld be somthing to fly when its oot and the new skins is absolutly nice O_O and yea the 19 umm wasent pilot freindly lol but they worked it out... wel lisamu did and they must of tweeked it..rembmer tis a storie it dont mean that becaus at begining it killed alot of piltos that at the end they dint fix all its probs.. caus at the end it was freggign great it surpassed the 21 you see it when they show the screen of plane performances.. you know the scheen of that big screen wwiff Yf21 and 19 and those green lines indicating performance .. the 19 kiked asslol i wish i had a screen shot of that sceen anny how )
  5. LOL yea i jsut did too but thats the fs2002 old versino LO!L ) And omg i wish you coueld go to space in fs2004 LOl the yf19 really flys fs2004 to its limit and thats the fs2002 versionLOL! of the 19 O_O!nice speed tho LO!Llovign this ki kass high performance lil touchy tho on the roll but its jsut the fs2002 version not finished im sure it ill be all worked oot in the latest version ) buti was havin alot of fun wiff it LOL!went to liek angels 99 LO!Lbut wont go higher ( i wish i coueld fly it right to the atmopshpere and wach the earth shrink and get round and be in space and see the stars and a black sky right in midle of the day LOL woulent that be cool ?? then shut engins off .. let the grvity pull you back down and glide down ))whoo hoo what a ride that wouled be lol
  6. what version ?? you got the 19 allready?? its not released yet O_O!
  7. yea it is... )) east of la i think anny how its in there )
  8. Ohh hay i was thiking if anny peopel knew how to make sceneery for fs2004?? maby soem 1 coueld try and make a carrier macross zero style?? http://unsd.macrossroleplay.org/asuka2carrier.html you cant seem uch but with that you can figure what carrier iwas talknig about wouled be cool to be able to launch in a YF-19 froem a carrier liek that anny how jsut a tought i had )
  9. eeeeech O_o glad you dint loose all your stuff after al lthat O_O!,did you check your pms?? and best of luck gettign all your stuff fixed past few days i ben flyign around japan looknig for a good airbase for the yf19.. anny ideas im looknig for some what of a millitary airbase on a island near japan.. isolated frome main land.. anny of you know of a good base?? and i also tought if were al lgonna be flyign the 19 and 21 maby we can all meet up online somtimes and do some flying and claim a airbase for us iv got that erea 51 base but its in the nevada desert.. mehh.. edwars afb well itsn ot bad but yet agai nwuled be cool to be on a isolated island ) anny how )
  10. .. well for me its all good i ben runing sp2 for liek eversince i got xp..and it helped for the pop ups ect.. so mehh but now ?? is were is our frien whos actually makign this bird )) iwonder if hes almost finished
  11. LOL no worries then caus i never usedtheyr fire wall annyhow and it hasent rebooted on me so far caus i keap it up to date .. so mehh its kein problem ) now anny word on this bird and when about it will be ready??
  12. umm what exacly does sp2 doo O_o caus i got it installed frome what i see it stops pop ups ect.. O_o
  13. O my $^#%$ god this is really nice work dude <<lifts his hatt i ben waiting a while to see the 19 in microsoft flightsim O_O! and nmow its a dream come true buitifull imma cry ohh *drule drule* man keap it up i cant wait to fly this perty bird hell imam give her a name .. yea yea il lcall her umm sharleen ill take care of her dont worrie ) cant wait to take it up. also i jsut did a flight in lomac and i tought woulent it be nie to fly that bird there too?? ))
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