eeeeech O_o glad you dint loose all your stuff after al lthat O_O!,did you check your pms?? and best of luck gettign all your stuff fixed past few days i ben flyign around japan looknig for a good airbase for the yf19.. anny ideas im looknig for some what of a millitary airbase on a island near japan.. isolated frome main land.. anny of you know of a good base?? and i also tought if were al lgonna be flyign the 19 and 21 maby we can all meet up online somtimes and do some flying and claim a airbase for us iv got that erea 51 base but its in the nevada desert.. mehh.. edwars afb well itsn ot bad but yet agai nwuled be cool to be on a isolated island ) anny how )