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Everything posted by Loner

  1. According to the Internet Movie Database the first movie will be 94 mins. I think you're right in that it might end with the explosion of Jaburo and the introduction of Amuro.
  2. I've heard it'll be between 90 to 120 minutes in run-time, which makes me wonder how the pacing will be compared to the series.
  3. I can't wait to see how the final battles are handled in the third movie.
  4. Whoa, wait a minute! What's this? Where can I find more info on this downloading of old Nintendo games to the REvolution? http://www.nintendo.com/newsarticle?articl...78746&page=home The article also mentions that it will have an SD card slot to expand the flash memory and it will have two USB ports.
  5. It won't freeze over until they finally release either an MG GM Sniper II or an MG Dendrobium Orchis.
  6. The GP02A they have listed there is the MG. I know, because it's in the shipping box along with the RX-79(G), and the GP01Fb I ordered a few weeks ago.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...v=glance&s=toys
  8. Wait a while. The RX-78, Ez8, and the Alex were out of stock up until last week. So it's possible that it might show up in stock. In fact Amazon is selling the GP01(Not FB) for 9.97.
  9. This explains why Amazon is having a clearance sale on all their Master Grade kits.
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