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Everything posted by Loner

  1. HD-DVD and BD aren't really "The Future" technology. HVD is the real future of disc storage.
  2. I've yet to see anyone in the BD group comment on the fact that two Chinese DVD manufacturing firms have thrown their support for HD-DVD.
  3. Here's some pics of it at Dalong.net
  4. Uh huh. In any case I'm hoping for the same outcome DigitalBits is hoping for:
  5. You'll also notice that Tomino's Gundam series never had the need for a recap episode.
  6. Sorry to ressurect an old thread, but seeing as how GSD is over and there will be a new series eventually(Seed based or not) this topic should be ressurected. I feel that they should make a new series(Not connected with the CE universe), but Sunrise gets the writers of Exo-Squad to do it.
  7. Nintendo has said that the N5 will have 512 mb of built-in flash memory and it will also have a slot to put in SD cards to expand storage.
  8. They need to port this to the N5. A light saber duel with Vader will be enough to buy the system.
  9. http://revo-europe.com/news.php?nid=8247
  10. Nobody did a timed fansub for the R1 release? I don't care very much for Ending/opening, anyways what is included in the dvd? The american opening/ending? I can guess how much it sucks. 322570[/snapback] As was stated earlier they couldn't license the original Opening and Ending music, so Bandai instead used the same animation but used an instrumental song.
  11. http://www.apple.com/jp/quicktime/trailers...dam2_large.html
  12. Bandai has released the trailer for the second movie.
  13. According to Gunota, a new MG Gundam Mk II will be released in October.
  14. Didn't Bandai say there were interested in making games for the Revolution as well? If so, it just means that Bandai wants to develop for all three consoles.
  15. Here's a link to a page of the new MG Hyaku Shiki with ballute pack. Still looks chrome plated.
  16. Exactly. I was more impressed when Amuro took down those 9 Rick Doms and that battleship at Side 6, then Kira's hundreds of kills at the end of Seed.
  17. I'm inclined to support this idea. Also if there is a next series I want the main Gundam to be simpler in design and in weaponry. In MSG the Gundam was not overpowered to the extreme next to the grunts, and the weapons it needed was a shield, a beam saber, a bazooka, and a beam rifle. Nothing more, nothing less.
  18. I heard the Zeta A1 and C1 kits fix the floppiness of the original Zeta MG, and from the pictures of the runners of the A1 at Dalong.net, it uses screws to make it sturdy.
  19. It would have been better had the tripods arrive in cylinders like in the novel and the 50's movie.
  20. Yep, he sealed his badass-ness when he gave his short rant to the Chaplan before he sortied during the funeral.
  21. Yes, that alien was nicknamed "Chiggy Von Richtofen". That was a pair of good episodes.
  22. Funny. Whenever I think of Liam Neeson, the first thing I think of is the movie Darkman.
  23. http://gamesradar.msn.co.uk/news/default.a...bsectionid=1587
  24. It's a replica of the XB-70 from the Kennedy Space Center. It appeared in Z Gundam and was piloted by Hayato Kobayashi who happened to be the leader of the Karaba guerilla forces.
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