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Everything posted by Loner

  1. Actually rumors are saying, backed up by recent comments from Michael Caine that Depp will play Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman will be the Penguin in the third one.
  2. No, he put on his seatbelt before shooting the driver.
  3. They could go with Freeze for thee third one, and have the plot similar to "Heart of Ice" from the animated series.
  4. Well, he is The Dude.
  5. They better be compatible with the AC sticks.
  6. Something I found on the nets. Seems plausible.
  7. The Typhoon is probably all-around the best plane in the game.
  8. I'm putting away money to buy a 360 when AC6 comes out. The question is if I should buy the premium or spend more on the Elite? I know the only difference between the two is the HDD and the case color. Any suggestions?
  9. Odd as how the gametrailers interview with one of the programmers, shows video of the Berkut and Tomcat in the background.
  10. And the navy is going to need a new long-range intercept fighter. Guess that means it's time for some Super Tomcat 21 or naval version YF-23.
  11. Hi-res of the Typhoon escorting the bomber.
  12. Damn it! I'm going down to that Gamestop and getting me that poster. I put the AC6 flight stick package on pre-order.
  13. I went to one today to put a reserve on the game/flight stick package, and they said they received no posters.
  14. You should have done what I did when I had to do a report. Read the Cliff's Note version.
  15. Shattered Skies stage still has the best song in AC. I wish a remake of AC4 would appear on the 360 at some point.
  16. It's a long shot, but I hope the AC 5 flight sticks are still compatible.
  17. http://www.xboxic.com/news/2595 Ace Combat? On my 360? It's more likely than you think.
  18. The problem that the F-14 faced, was that no new parts were made because one particular moron ordered the tooling to be destroyed.
  19. Sweet, downloaded the hi-res.
  20. Found this at 4chan. A Rafael landing on a U.S. Carrier.
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