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Everything posted by Loner

  1. Torrent: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=144315 Streaming: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=F1ERG4JR Both have subs.
  2. Airsoft? I want ballistic level 3.
  3. I want that mask Jack wore.
  4. I know this is a bit of a stretch for this topic, but I'm jealous of awesome this guy is:
  5. She seems hotter now than before.
  6. The CG is ST was very good. If ILM had the chance, they can make a good CG Gundam movie.
  7. Agreed. All it was missing from the movie was some mobile suits.
  8. Translated version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOAPKxqutv8
  9. The detail is amazing. Packy is not using an M4, but an SR-47.
  10. I liked the film, but I won't pass judgment on Snyder's adaptation until the release of the directors cut.
  11. I disagree. Rorschach .
  12. Well, maybe Moore shouldn't have made Rorschach so f'ing awesome. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie, though the friends I went with debated the change in the ending.
  13. http://www.kevinandbeanarchive.com/
  14. Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark.
  15. She didn't die, but her mind wasn't the same after capture by the Chinese.
  16. There cannot be a point where there's no carrier named Enterprise.
  17. Anybody else surprised at how fast Walker went for torture methods after telling Jack not to?
  18. Whoa, whoa whoa, backup there. There's no plans on commissioning a new Enterprise!?
  19. Jack Bauer takes crap from no one, not even Red Foreman.
  20. Marvel might be in the credits for production, however Marvel themselves sold the rights to the Punisher movie to Artisan way back when they began to get into films. Artisan made the 2004 Punisher movie, and was then bought out by Lionsgate which released the film against Kill Bill 2. They also were the main force behind Warzone. In both films Marvel was not in control of the films as they were for the Iron Man movie. If we ever want to see a good Punisher movie, Marvel needs to have creative control of it, and have a script written by Garth Ennis; as he is the definitive writer for Frank Castle.
  21. Action was good, but the script was crap. If they ever attempt another one, two things needs to occur. Marvel has the movie rights, and Garth Ennis writes the script.
  22. I'm hoping Marvel gets the rights back to the franchise and get Ennis to write a script for a proper Punisher movie.
  23. A sequel could happen if the studio were to issue a new DVD or screening with the original ending.
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