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Everything posted by Chet

  1. Chet

    Panel lines

    I've got two questions: 1. Does panel lining = weathered look? Is it possible to panel line without getting the toy dirty-looking? 2. Do you panel line before or after you apply decals?
  2. Is it pretty much the same color for all 3 VF-22 variants?
  3. Put me down for one!
  4. So I guess HLJ is down, huh?
  5. So what does HLJ mean when they say "until allotted stock runs out?" Does the Free Express Shipping promo only apply to certain items?
  6. What happened to Amiami's English site?
  7. But a lot of fans openly admit to resorting to illegal downloads DESPITE the easy availability of licensed dvds, BDs or downloads. Folks today just feel ENTITLED to this stuff, and plunking down cash for what is essentially "software" is just so laughable to them, when they can get the stuff free on the net. And they download stolen/ripped versions of the licensed stuff, not just fansubs.
  8. Zoids from Yamato? http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/04/hg-...from-hobby.html Hope these are action figures in a consistent scale, and not more model kits.
  9. Didn't the Hikaru 1J's already include the Hikaru TV pilot? I wonder if these will have the newer crotch lock...
  10. Was anyone looking for a picture of the boxed set containing the improved Scopedog plus the makeshift "Red Shoulder" parts from the TV series? http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT34511 Now what I'd like to know is: do the above linked set and the Scopedog linked below include an extra GREEN shoulder to make a generic Scopedog? http://www.yamatotoysusa.com/page.cfm/116
  11. I can't believe that it LANDING GEAR are going to be sold as OPTION parts exclusively online. I mean c'mon! Landing Gear?!
  12. I say HLJ should celebrate its new partnership with FedEx with a FREE FED EX SHIPPING SALE!
  13. Did you get the Panzer Cop in the special boxed set? If so, what are the differences with the previous release?
  14. I VEHEMENTLY disagree with this statement. For what we're paying, these things should be free of defects when bought brand new.
  15. Almost 3 months for SAL to the Philippines
  16. Wow! Retail release or another !@#$% event exclusive?
  17. I've been pretty much on the fence about these RD's. Got a number of MSIA's and even a few EMSIA's, and I'm afraid these RD's will be too big to display with my current figures. I understand the RD's are almost as tall as the Super HCM Pros, but not quite 1/144 scale? WTF?!
  18. Here's what I'd like to know. I realize that a small-ish company like Yamato can't afford to overproduce an item which may have limited appeal. This is probably why they've been announcing low initial production runs (1000 units?) for the VF22's, with further production runs being uncertain. What I'd like to know is, if they had the capability to make low initial production runs of these models and still make them available to general retail, why couldn't they do the same for the 1/48 TV VF-1A's or even the 1/60 Angel Bird? I mean, aside from the new head sculpt on the 1/48 TV VF-1A's, the tooling is pretty much done. Would moving 1000 units of each of these really have been too tall an order for them that they could only afford to produce them in smaller numbers? Or how about the Weathered Valkyries and Destroids? Most of these were initially exclusives, too. but now they can be obtained from HLJ. So I'm guessing they are making at least 1000 units of each those, too?
  19. Any chance of Overdrive ever having a major sale or offering one of those free EMS deals?
  20. Interesting. So a little smaller than 1/100
  21. How do these transforming revoltechs compare to the Toynami 1/100's scale-wise?
  22. Me, too, pls.!
  23. Is that a model of Fuchikoma on the right?
  24. Chet

    HLJ Yamato sale

    How'd you manage this? Lots of stuff in that sale that I'd want, but the forced EMS (and customs duties) on most of them just eats up the discount.
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