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Everything posted by Chet

  1. Wasn't there a VF-1S Roy DYRL version with Option Parts 30th Anniversary reissue?
  2. At 1/72 scale, maybe they are trying rope in the model kit builders, and hope the "action model" collectors don't mind the smaller scale? Anyway, I've read nothing but great things about X-Plus from kaiju collectors, although I believe the stuff they make is usually static?
  3. I agree. Including the Itano circus missile effect parts and an extra grey goggled head would go a long way towards softening the impact of what will most likely be a dramatic increase in price over the Yamato versions.
  4. Don't have this yet, so very interested. Any word regarding the price for the bundle?
  5. I'd buy the Alaska base scheme.
  6. Does it say that they will be webshop exclusives? I know they probably will be but was just hoping for confirmation.
  7. Well I'm out for now. Way out of my price range.
  8. I had to pass on those in anticipation of Arcadia's releases!
  9. What I am afraid of is that, with all of this free "market research," Arcadia is likely to get the HIGHEST quoted price here, add 25% and be done with it.
  10. If I understand correctly, Yamato USA were at SDCC 2013 with new product.
  11. I probably wouldn't be able to afford this if it comes out at US$200+
  12. Hello again, VF-1S Hikaru: http://pixel-dan.com/hasbro-reveals-sdcc-exclsuives-for-g-i-joetransformers-my-little-pony-jem-and-marvel-legends/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hasbro-reveals-sdcc-exclsuives-for-g-i-joetransformers-my-little-pony-jem-and-marvel-legends
  13. Is that the exclusive Takara DMZ Melquiya color Scopedog?
  14. That plastic part that connects the front and rear segments of my PROTO-GARLAND (yup, not the original one) crumbled a few years back. Emailed Yamato USA and the shop where I ordered it from but neither could help me. Will try to dig up the photos I sent them so this can be clearer. Ended up gluing together what bits of the part I was able to retain. Haven't transformed it since then.
  15. Funny how the "Panic Buying!" thread has suddenly gone quiet....
  16. But the first Yamato Scopedog was released over a year before the first Takara DMZ.
  17. For anyone who has a Yamato Ingram: have you tried opening up one of the shoulders? The light on the left shoulder of mine won't turn on and I was wondering if there is an easy way to see what is wrong.
  18. Chet

    Japan bound toys

    Sounds like the whole "SOC - Japan Edition" thing all over again.
  19. Oh, so it really does look like that black and white image on HLJ? I thought that was just some kind of flyer they scanned.
  20. Can anyone post a pic of the standalone grey goggle's box? The one that doesn't come with the GBP?
  21. The (relatively) recently discovered issues regarding the YF-19's shoulders are souring me on the whole panic buying spree. Most of this stuff has only been on shelves for a couple of years so who knows what hidden defects will pop up in the future.
  22. My question is: is there any legal obstacle to putting english subs on a release like this even if it is a Japanese market only release?
  23. I know I skipped the Alter Arbalest because it was too expensive for what you get. Nice sculpt and details? Sure. Opening panels and tons of accessories? Great. But same asking price as a Valkyrie but without the engineering marvel of transformation? Can't do it. A substantial amount of diecast would have tipped the scales in the other direction for me, but alas it's all plastic. If the new Robot Damashii figures do end up being the same size (and effectively the same scale) as Alter's figures, I'll just settle for the upcoming Robot Damashii releases.
  24. Put me down for a revised YF-19. I've waited this long to get one anyway.
  25. Sheesh! No other way to get replacements?
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