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Everything posted by Chet

  1. Do we know what kind of gunpod strap this will come with? I remember the one for the 1/48 being so crappy that everytime I get a new Valkyrie I just toss the strap into one of the missle pods and forget about it.
  2. Yes they do, and improved versions at that. Just ask people who collect their Gaogaigar and Patlabor Brave Gokin toys.
  3. The DX's, MSIA's, HCM Pro's, Super HCM Pro's and even GFF's ARE "pre-assembled toys."
  4. If they somehow got the larger wheels in, I'd buy these for sure. It would also be nice if they threw in the mail-away weapons pack to entice folks like me who are still on the fence regarding these toys. Otherwise, I'll stick to my CM's version.
  5. So this is coming out barely a month after the YF-21?
  6. So Unit 1 and 2 are randomly packed in the boxes?
  7. Please do. Want to get parts for my VF-0A Mass Production.
  8. Are they? They look noticeably smaller than 1/144 scale GFF's.
  9. Aren't MSIA supposed to be closer to 1/170 scale?
  10. I'd probably get into these if I had anything else in that scale and if they were cheaper. As it is, MSIA, though horribly out of scale with anything else, are much cheaper and easier to find, while GFF's, though more expensive, are pretty much in scale with anything in 1/144 scale, which includes Zeonography, Cosmic Region, 00 Region, Kado Senshi. Kahen Senshi, the original Gundam HCM's, Super HCM Pro, Gundam the Origin, and even SCM's.
  11. Either way, I don't think those A.D. Police and Boomer figures will be in scale with the Moto-Slave. Hope I'm wrong.
  12. Just bought Series 2 from a shop here in the Philippines and I didn't realize until later that the set didn't include the secret figure! Unfortunately, I haven't seen these for sale anywhere else locally. Darn!
  13. I have to say, I was pretty annoyed when I first read about the announcement of CM's Reactive Armor version. I thought it would come with all the features and accessories of the Movie and TV versions, both of which I faithfully bought, but have other stuff that the earlier releases lack, like the armor. I was afraid this would render the earlier releases "obsolete" somehow. But now, seeing as the Armored version cannot be completely freed of the armor and even lacks the cool light gimmick, I kinda feel sorry for the folks who were hoping this would be the ultimate Ingram release. Also, the increase in price seems far less justified, given the omissions. It should have been priced no higher than the original releases. As for me, I might actually pick it up, seeing as it seems to be different enough from the Ingrams I already have, but ONLY if I ever see this generously discounted.
  14. I'm guessing Toynami will reissue the anime color Alphas only as part of a combo set with similarly colored Beta's. Since there will be affordable Beta's available singly for people who already have Alpha's, this route may serve as a loophole to the "limited edition" limitation or at least keep buyers of the original from complaining too much.
  15. A Lancer Cyclone will be out 1st Quarter of 2008?! I thought they were still trying to decide whether they should go forward with the Cyclone or just go with Beagle's?
  16. Will the Strike Roy also be weathered?
  17. Don't you bring that ToyBoxDX language in here!!!!
  18. Really? What's scoop on that?
  19. Huh! Some friend you turned out to be!
  20. Can he get the mail away weapons?
  21. Wow! I never realized the 1/12 Scopedogs dwarfed even the 1/48 Valkyries!
  22. Does anyone shoot video at these things that we can watch on the web? Maybe with some gaijin narration?
  23. Wow. So is the software for the R/C Tachikoma in English?
  24. Finally! Affordable FMP toys!
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