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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. Okaaay... That's enough hallucinogenic fungi for you...
  2. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    Compromising the honor of women since 1995 XD not sure if that's gonna be how it ends but I'd enjoy watching that fight. Bound to be better than pacquiao-mayweather And it has to be the right shade of green!
  3. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm thinking that the S has the best chance of being shown with armor this early, like ozma's 25 early in frontier
  4. Hahaha! Show him that door, spanner! This'll be my first set of VF-4s too! I'm xcited but I'm trying not to show it. It might scare them off. I only look at em via reflective surfaces...
  5. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    I like this as much as I like the Koenig. What? I'm an adulterated classic myself
  6. The Japanese live action version of space brothers wasn't bad, though with minimal effects. Live action attack on titan blew chunks. Live action zero/sdf would need better than force awakens effects, definitely should be better than bioman or robot jox
  7. I tell the laws of physics and economics to go f themselves daily, more frequently when looking at my finances. They don't listen. Sigh And Mikumo is definitely a whole lotta something! I don't much care what, I just want some of it!
  8. If you're looking for an escape from reality, Space Dandy is definitely it! Take it with a grain of salt, maybe some shrooms
  9. @Saburo: I'll drink to that!
  10. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    Lol I hadn't realized that! Hmm... I don't think I need all three load-bearing walls in my kitchen... So excited! I want all of em! Mwahaha!
  11. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Multiply that by a few rewatches and it might! Me too! Even if they just show the VF-31S armored up...
  12. Sexy! I think I'll pick up another one!
  13. I'm thinking the ozma might pair well with it even without painting...
  14. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    Now that would be a killer coffee table/kitchen island!
  15. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I foresee myself swinging in this same pendulum!
  16. Hmm... Wish they'd do a Macross the first treatment for all the vf-1 valks. That's a v3 I suspect even spanner would spring for!
  17. I think that the box is as underwhelming as the toy, and bound to be equal parts disappointing and refund-inducing
  18. No idea. I meant that there's bound to be at least one Could be because the pic was taken at an angle? I like my ghosts svelte and lean, like my sidechicks
  19. thanks for the sweet pic! you know it! hahaha! i wouldn't hate that actually... all these appetizers... where's the beef!?! inconceivable! XD i'm taking this as confirmation that it will have a b mode (thanks to charger69 for the pic!)
  20. separate b, g, and f modes for vf-1a and vf-1s (note: the g mode kit has both b and f modes i think, based on the price) amiami
  21. You know that'sa gigil (to the tune of that's amore)!
  22. Yehehesssss! Plus m&m!
  23. Thanks for the info! Will check out the podcast soon. Quick question for everyone: if you could only pick one, which Macross series would you like an [almost] exact live action version of?
  24. no worries, while I did mean the 14 and the fan art of the draken, I'm not too keen on the 21/22 heads either
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