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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. Yehehehessssss!!! XD My resolve to wait for next year to get this is weakening...
  2. Hehehe thanks! It kinda documents how I got back into mecha this year XD Yup! Pay it forward! =) Cool tip! Is this the yahoo japan auction? Any recommended agents/buyers?
  3. Sweet! Tsugumori looks good! Let us know how the build goes!
  4. Dude, I'd so buy that!
  5. if those are decals that you have to apply, that's a whole different level of pain you're in for...
  6. Early unboxing video pics of the PG Unicorn at hobbylink (hlj)!?!?!?!!! http://www.hobbylink.tv/160-pg-unicorn-exclusive-early-unboxing edit: sorry, no video, just pics
  7. if you can post pics of it, someone might be able to come up with a good idea to help... i was thinking of a tiny drop of superglue on the end of an 18 or 20 gauge wire, let it dry on the exposed end of the sheared screw a bit then try to twist it out (bending the free end of the wire might make it easier)... bit risky though since capillary forces + adhesion may suck the super glue into the space between the screw and the plastic...
  8. hehehe apologies in advance for the lo-res pics (still rocking the iPhone 4S lol)! here's a link to my collection (still in boxes, except for some MG kits that i barely have time to straightbuild): https://plus.google.com/115043625903400226853/posts edits: lol can't seem to paste a working link to the google+ page... try googling "Japanese Giant Robots Invade Vancouver"? hehehe link seems to work now
  9. phenomenal! can't believe it's your first try, on GIMP even! you should make a series of tutorials! XD
  10. i can respect that perspective =) thanks, Saburo! awesome as always! can't wait to set mine up as well!
  11. thanks for the tips, man! i'll review my options over the holidays. i like my cashback plan a lot hehehe good call, if you're sticking to the main MS. i couldn't muster that much self-restraint so i'm taking the maybe next year when it's cheaper route... hahaha! i hear you, buddy! i'm not giving up a kidney for it though!
  12. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    or black market... XD at least the only danger is nerd rage over some trivial comment, not murder/death/kill
  13. Hahaha! Thank you, kind sirs! I'm here all week! Seriously though, because the VF-4 phenomenon is now so well-known, I doubt if we'll ever see something like that again.
  14. but what lovely distractions they are! XD
  15. sorry to read that, man. any change you can get a refund?
  16. OR will it be the next VF-4?!?!! XD
  17. i'm inclined to say that Jun had a Ranka itasha but that may just be my imagination. couldn't find any screenshots online...
  18. that just made my day! thanks, man!
  19. awesome work, man! the first pics look a lot like your old dorvak =) i'd be interested to see your pics of the masking process, if it's not too much trouble
  20. no worries, thanks for the pics man! pretty cool! i bet she's a timberwolves fan hehehe
  21. Thanks for the pics guys! Make it happen already, Bandai! We're building critical mass here! XD So if I'm getting this right, Luca's ghosts are 'from' Sharon Apple (with tweaks by Luca)? Brera's ghosts are then ' from' whom? The 'implant network'? This is confusticating...
  22. Hahaha! Yup, had to check for myself. It was the 2nd movie. What does the leer on version look like? Couldn't find anything
  23. NY is really one of the more expensive retailers... check out their price for the PG Unicorn LED unit: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/gundam/10051-gundam-uc-pg-1-60-rx-0-unicorn-gundam-led-unit.html http://www.hlj.com/product/ban994366/Gun NY - 26.8k vs HLJ - 12k
  24. did ozma get his yf-29 in the first movie, shortly after he and sheryl were 'rescued'?
  25. NY has it open for orders again, Y19k
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