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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. My 25S is from the previous release I think, it has the 30th anniversary sticker
  2. Thanks, milkautico! Those're tiny tiny feet though! Hmm sorry don't know how to add that spoiler thingie. I think he's gonna be a baddie next season, or a twisted MC seeking redemption
  3. Will check it out, Gubaba! Is it funnier than genshiken?
  4. I always thought that it was the HG dub, since Ichijo was called Rick Hunter, and Kamjin was called Khyron. Didn't know that it was a Pinoy dub! Or maybe a supplemental Pinoy dub over the HG dub? Rub a dub dub...
  5. Bwahaha!!! Just saw your YF-29 splurge! Omedeto!
  6. lol that hlj sale is a joke. they shouldn't even be allowed to call it a black friday sale, it gives all other black friday sales the world over a bad name. pwe
  7. too chickens**t to open the box. lol. still have 2 VF-171 CFs untouched as well.
  8. lol i still practically live on instant noodles to this day XD
  9. cross ange had the mandatory beach episode =) re-watching aldnoah zero. i like the grunt earth mechs but the martian whatsitcalleds are just so so
  10. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    and i hope that arcadia doesn't lower quality to match bandai's prices...
  11. i think that it actually looks better black =) thanks for completing the class pic! i'm sure a lot of us are drooling over them (and will look forward to any sales that you may want to make)! XD
  12. what is this world coming to??? hehehe... jeez, i remember those prices for the VF-25S and VF-25G (which still probably won't come down until another release happens).
  13. Awesome tips SMC! Thanks very much! Hehehe gotta win the lotto now! XD Thanks! Hmm... This is sounding quite complicated. I don't know how I would've researched this on my own. You guys are awesome!
  14. cool, thanks! it's blue then, not black? hmm...
  15. hmm... even amazon has valks at not so bad prices... http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B005QXBLQ8/ref=sr_1_65_olp?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1416983197&sr=1-65&keywords=dx+chogokin&condition=new
  16. sweet class picture! =) what's the black valk next to the super ostrich? custom paint job?
  17. ^GU-11, you sir, are a a gentleman and a scholar! thanks very much! =)
  18. ^ thanks, GU-11! those're great tips! acrylic sounds like it's an easy type of paint to use, when it comes to cleaning up. is it advisable for beginners? i don't plan on investing on an airbrush yet. i'll probably use spray cans first, when the weather's better.
  19. lol yeah! my comment does seem silly in that light. hahaha! i hope that there will be a semblance of 1:1 correspondence, e.g., ozma's armored parts, rather than the generic modules, e.g., gundam build fighters amazing booster/backpack, so that each valk still has some 'individuality'...
  20. remedied appropriately! pardon the lapse! hahaha!
  21. interesting, thanks! wonder if the author's a member here...
  22. context: i've been doing straight builds but never bothered with stickers, decals, panel lines, or paint quick questions: 1. which should go on first, panel lines or stickers/decals? 2. which is the best for panel lines: markers, felt pens, panel wash? 3. gloss coat before panel lining or not? what type of paint would be best to use? 4. are mark setter and mark soft absolute necessities? 5. if everything gets messed up and i want to start over, how do i get all of that stuff off? thanks in advance! =)
  23. interesting, thanks again! lol @ egg carton thing! XD i kinda have mixed feelings about having interchangeable parts/modules on valks, sounds a bit too much like gundam build fighters...
  24. ^ just had a few ideas for the hypothetical sdf/frontier coffee table: 0. Mini-bar (optional fridge) 1. display area (obviously), with launch arms 2. hidden drawers to store dvds/cds, books, magazines, manga 3. key hooks and coin trays 4. caddy for remote controls 5. charging station for controllers (PS4, etc) 6. bridge lamp 7. LED lights and pew pew sound effects! XD lol. i should stop before i throw the kitchen sink in there... edit: nice catch, moustik747!
  25. really like the inner part of the feet, how it's all blurred now!
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