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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. You should get the SMS business card case too!
  2. Search on jungle and mandarake? Don't let it get you down, man. Sometimes taking a break during lulls in availability is good, too!
  3. too cool!!! smartwatch?
  4. She's a keeper! Hahaha a therapeutic massage lol
  5. i've been wishing for a glaug from arcadia to pit against roy and hikaru! maybe next christmas??? i have a spare renewal vf-27 that i'm thinking of letting go ahehe thanks for the plug, no3ljm! XD need to make space for the valks i preordered! =)
  6. try kissanime i really really like cross ange but ep 13 kinda got weird(er)...
  7. ack! who told them that they were allowed to quit?!? XD
  8. hahaha! oh yeah! i guess that was me projecting my own wishful thinking there...
  9. the CAD's in the same, or possibly worse, shape at the moment... harrumph missed every single one, even with the email notifications! khaaaaannn!!! i've built the roy and hikaru VF-1Ss, one with super parts and the other with strike parts. the backpack attachments are floppy, and parts keep popping off when you move/transform them (effin fingers and the clear parts near the ankles). threw everything back in the boxes. might rebuild and plastic cement parts together at some point...
  10. Hikuro, "this is no Zaku, boy!!!" XD and please tell us how you like the 1/5hp compressor (noise, power, evenness of spray)! Edit: forgot to say that i really like that gash on the right side of the gouf custom's forehead!
  11. Was a live action ghost in the shell movie announced? When are they ever going to make a live action Macross movie??!?!
  12. Hahaha! She didn't use all the decals on her unit either! XD
  13. You get paid to build model kits??? I'm starting to really get the urge to switch careers...
  14. I dunno, man... Canaria seems like a tough chick... She was throwing Alto around like a bean bag...
  15. Hehehe I've been playing waaaaay too much gta v and missed the PO also... XD I remember a Chogokin side quest in xenogears...
  16. Congrats, Saburo! =) Wonder if Hikuro would ever consider working on a 1:1 valk... Hehehe he did a great job with his PG Unicorn
  17. And you have to say it like cyborg franky in one piece! Suuupppeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  18. Awesome stuff, garyboy! Really impressed that they're still on the sprues! Astig!
  19. Like the first half hour of event horizon...
  20. hayai! Hahaha! Thanks!
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