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Everything posted by McFly!!

  1. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    Hehehe I thought we were actively looking for temptation? XD
  2. 91 days is interesting, though I wish they hadn't led with the mc's backstory
  3. The fan racer...
  4. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    Hahaha! That just tells me that you're really considering it seriously now, mate! =) do it!!!
  5. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It would be funny if ai messer has more of a personality hehehe
  6. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hey yeah... Didn't they say that they were sending his data to lady m?
  7. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Roid defects and uses it to freak Keith out
  8. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm with you on this. I just don't trust anyone who would change the price of a completed transaction.
  9. You should've bought it then, instead of questioning the simple math (addition of prices of 2 items and then usd-cad conversion). I don't appreciate being mentioned here like this, like it's my fault. I will not transact with anyone who insinuates that I'm not being fair, to try to haggle. I haggle but, I don't insult anyone while trying to get what I want. I also don't mention the other person on the forum when we can't make a deal.
  10. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I remember really wanting a dx vf-24 paladin at one point but, it never happened. If you've never seen it, it looks a bit like the white knight scheme in that old picture from delta Those stands look like they took a page out of yeti's design book...
  11. The one from the pic (how retro was that printed hard copy?)? That's the king's paint scheme right? I dig that even more than Keith's! As I understood it, they were in camo mode because they didn't want to let people know that they were from Windermere yet Agreed, I'm really waiting for the v2 valks now...
  12. I think I'll wait for the v2 release. Great new avatar, Noel!
  13. Lots of food/snacks from delta! Live jellyfish anyone?
  14. I thought that was the op's original idea
  15. That is spectacular work bro! Do you think that removing the itasha from the maruyama would be easier?
  16. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    So NY sent my Roys via SAL when I refused to pay extra. Harrumph
  17. My sentiments egzegackily =)
  18. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    I may not get as many multiples as you probably will but, I'm with you man! Great selection! Variable Glaug needs to happen Bandai!
  19. McFly!!

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed. Only buying from them as a last resort from now on
  20. If you're looking for enablers and codependents, bienvenido hermano! Amen to that last point especially! Hahaha! I see what you did there!
  21. McFly!!

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I agree with both 1 (implicit yes) and 2 (dealbreaker). Perfect transformation or bust, Bandai!
  22. Awesome wallpapers, Saburo!
  23. It would be absolutely and uncategorically criminal to pass on the definitive vf-1s of this year? Quarter? Scale? Yeah they've got us by the cojones, hermanos
  24. Bwahaha! That would be a nice nod to the long tradition of weaponized oppai
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