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Everything posted by ULessa

  1. I guess I was the only one who was glad it was sold out
  2. Me wants three copies
  3. Don't know if I want to transform it :X
  4. I keep telling myself to stop coming to this thread.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  5. Yay I will not get one anymore... sob...
  6. I. Will. Not. Break. Down. And. Buy... One...
  7. My personal input would be more Valk action and less singing/ drama. Just my 2 cents
  8. So when is this slated for release?
  9. I so want to but $$$!
  10. I feel like I'm going to cave in and buy one... SOMEONE BUY IT BEFORE ME! (Possible regret commence)
  11. True, theres alot of over design. I always loved the simplicity of the earlier designs of the modern/ real robots. Back on topic. You guys and the YF-25s. I kinda really really want one
  12. Hopefully I'll be satisfied with this. Blew alot of money on this that I could've spent on more YF-29 Focker (my fav DX Valk )
  13. I like Gerwalk on my YF-29s
  14. Well I guess I'm not displaying mine in Gerwalk
  15. Seeing that Gearwalk picture worries me that the legs are going to be on the ball joint rather than just the flip down on the YF-29
  16. Oh lol I was on a really old page. Nvm
  17. HUUUH, is that a microphone stand lol
  18. My wallet cannot handle all this and I just told myself to stop coming to this thread but here I am abit over 12 hours later... AGHHH I really hope the price on this one doesn't jump up. Love the orange and decals on it
  19. Jeeeeezus. While I was joking about a to scale Monster I didn't realize how big it was compared to the fighters. Damn. Kinda want one now but dat retail price.
  20. I guess I just really like the head sculpt on this
  21. I'm getting so excited for this release
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